Happy Monday, Breaking Bronx readers. From here on out, we’ll be starting each work week off with a post called “Weekend Wrap,” linking to relevant local news and big Bronx stories that went down over the weekend. Make sure you check back with us here every Monday.
Some items from the last few days:
A bill passed recently by the City Council will require the DOE to provide extensive reports on how school space is being utilized–though local parents are skeptical this will do anything for the crammed classrooms in the notoriously overcrowded Bronx District 10. This Daily News story sites local Bedford Park schools PS 8 and PS 86 among the most packed, with some classes holding as many as 40 students.
According to the MTA’s website service on the No. 4, 5 and 6 trains is back to normal this afternoon after a derailment downtown caused serious delays on the line this morning.
The Unidad Latina Conference took place this weekend in Manhattan, despite effort by local State Sen. Ruben Diaz, Sr., to have Hispanic lawmakers boycott the event. Diaz is peeved at Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelo, who organized the event, for supporting Gov. Cuomo’s budget cuts.
The world’s largest pumpkin, hailing from Canada, is now on display at the Botanical Garden. You have until the Oct. 30 to check out the 1,800 pound gourd in person.
Thousands of people cruised the Bronx by bicycle yesterday in the annual Tour de Bronx. Did any of you go for the ride, dear readers?