The above video was created by Project Bronx. Project Bronx is the brainchild of Adam Levine-Peres, “a community inspired initiative” that’s focused around a Youtube channel dedicated to discussing issues important to the Bronx community. Project Bronx seeks to give a voice to the Bronx with its videos consisting of interviews with Bronx people on many topics from race relations to whether or not the Bronx is better than Brooklyn. Its Twitter feed gives updates on the many things going on in the Bronx.

3 thoughts on “Video: How to Tell the Difference Between Dominicans and Puerto Ricans and Other Views on Race and Ethnicity in the Bronx”
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Very interesting and enlightening discussion Adam. Very personable, and intelligent interviewees. May the dialogue continue, and the citizens of the Bronx continue to be family. Great job Adam. God bless!!! Keep up the good work, and don’t be discouraged.
Enjoyed the topic and the intelligent, personable interviewees. Keep up the good work Adam, reminding Bronxite’s “We Are Family”. Don’t be discouraged in your mission.
I grew up in the Bronx, I went to school with Adam’s brother. My parents are immigrants from Ireland. In my mind the three main Bronx white folks Italian, Albanian, and Irish are very easy on physical difference. African Americans, West Indies, and West Africans (Ghanians from the Concourse etc) is pretty easy on accents and facial features. Mexican and Ecuadorian are similar. But for a white dude like me the hardest is Puerto Rican and Dominican. I always feel that Puerto ricans are lighter and Dominicans are darker, and that I can understand Puerto Rican spanish, but God help me when a Dominican speaks.