Whalen Park (pictured above), a favorite hangout spot for locals looking for a quiet place to rest and/or drink low-cost and high-potency liquor on the corner of East 205th Street and Perry Avenue, is about to get a makeover, courtesy of local residents and government funding.
In this year’s budget, Councilman Oliver Koppell ($850,000) and Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. ($400,000), have allocated $1.25 million to renovate the park, including the construction of a toddler playground.
And on Saturday, Oct. 20, Friends of the Williamsbridge Oval, Partnerships for Parks and Bronx Community Charter School, will be bringing fresh paint, daffodils and music to Whalen Park for an It’s My Park Day event. Everyone is welcome. The groups are asking for local residents join in the cleanup and beautification effort.
The park cleanup begins at 11 a.m. and runs until 2 p.m. The plan is to paint the park benches and trash barrels, plant daffodil bulbs that will bloom in springtime and weed the garden area. Gloves and tools will be provided, but volunteers should wear clothes they don’t mind getting dirty.
After the work is done, kids will make musical instruments and grownups can join in a drum circle.