by David Cruz
From Norwood to Westchester Square, the need for a person to look up is the strongest in the Bronx when compared to the rest of the city, according to Big Brothers Big Sisters. The national volunteer group, which has spent the last 110 years partnering well-respected adult role models with adolescents, has kick-started a lofty recruitment effort, hoping to entice Bronxites to donate time and become “Bigs.”
The group’s efforts are part of a larger campaign this January, considered National Mentoring Month. BBBS of NYC is slated to host several events that range from recruitment drives, workshops, service projects and fundraisers in a borough where the need for role models is apparent, according to organizers.
Hector Batista, the group’s chief executive officer, sees a cyclical need for role modeling–those who’ve been coached before should simply return the favor.
“As adults, it is our turn to assume this responsibility and help the next generation reach its full potential,” said Batista, adding the overall goal of National Mentoring Month serves as a chance for upstanding locals to “answer the call…”
Mentoring is open to adults 21 or older who reside in the five boroughs, and it is free to volunteer. To become a volunteer mentor, donate, or learn more about Big Brothers Big Sisters of NYC and National Mentoring Month, please log onto or call 212-686-2042.
Businesses interested in joining the more than 45 corporations that already have Workplace Mentoring Programs can also email [email protected].