New Committee Elected to Bronx CB7 for Upcoming Year

The election of the various officer positions to Bronx Community Board 7 (CB7) for the upcoming year took place at the last general board meeting of the year on June 23. Most of the incumbent officers were re-elected, apart from one. In addition, four motions were passed on various, different matters. Most had already been reviewed at the board’s June 17 meeting, as reported.   Nominating committee chair, Sandra Erickson, gave each candidate a chance to pitch their candidacy to the board members at the beginning of the meeting before voting took place. Most positions ran uncontested, except for second

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Bronx CB7 May General Meeting Sees New Officer Nominations & Veterans Fare Discounts

  A jam-packed agenda extended the May Bronx Community Board 7 (CB7) general board meeting to just under two hours. Much of the meeting, held on May 25, was spent going over the nominations for incoming officer positions for the upcoming year, including chairperson, first vice chair, second vice chair, third vice chair, treasurer, and secretary. Several motions were also passed, including those relating to requested letters of support from the board to different city agencies and elected officials.   Each year, during the general board’s May meeting, nominations are made for new officer positions, and the final vote is

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