university heights
Death at University Nursing Home
by Anton K. Nilsson A 77-year old resident of the University Nursing Home in University Heights died last Monday after sustaining injury to the lower rear torso. One aide has been arrested, suspected of criminal negligent homicide and felony assault. Police say the deceased, Frank Mercado, a patient for UNH, was involved in a “physical altercation” inside the nursing home, at 2505 Grand Avenue. The incident occurred at around 11.30 on the morning of Monday, Dec. 8. He was rushed by private ambulance to the Montefiore Medical Center where he passed away. The Medical Examiner rules the incident a homicide. Cherrylee Young,
Shelter Developer Outlines Housing Mix In University Heights
By David Cruz When Jean Hill heard a developer’s plan to build their latest shelter proposal, the idea of a fact-finding visit to the developer’s other sites quickly surfaced. After all, she’s poked around other sites before. “We do go out, ask questions of the people who live in [the developer’s] backyard. ‘Have you had any problems with them? Is everything kosher?’” said Hill, serving as Community Board 7’s Land Use/Housing committee chairwoman.
The Creation of Clark
By SHAYLA LOVE Outside of Clark’s window on Lowell Avenue in Longwood, the 6 train rumbled from its underground tunnel and into the sunlight of the above-ground tracks. Clark was eight years old when he looked out of his apartment and noticed something he considered beautiful. The subway car was spray-painted from top to bottom in bright colors. The names “Duster” and “Lizzie” shone from the surface of the car. He ran out of his building into an empty lot and searched for something to paint with. He found a broken statuette and scratched an
Crime File: 5-2 Recruits Neighbors for Crime Watch Program
By JUSTIN MCCALLUM To curb major crime and increase community engagement, the 52nd Precinct is ushering in new reinforcements—the public. Inspector Nilda Hofmann, commanding officer of the Five-Two, recently announced the formation of a local block watch association, intended for the community to “be the eyes and ears for the police department.” But the program somewhat deviates from normal block associations, which often involve residents physically patrolling the area. Instead, residents will undergo a NYPD-sponsored training session, learning how to properly report a crime. Hofmann explained that the program is designed to make citizens more aware of their surroundings and
Yet Another Supportive Housing Proposal Within CB7 Borders
By Hayley Camacho The mood was tense at Community Board 7’s Housing Committee meeting on February 19. There, board members and residents heard a presentation by Praxis Housing Initiatives for another supportive housing development in the district. Praxis laid out their plans for a supportive/affordable housing development at 2270 Loring Pl. in University Heights for homeless HIV/AIDS residents with possible chemical dependency. The proposed development, one block away from Bronx Community College, will be built along three private homes that were illegally occupied by squatters. Praxis purchased the homes, which will be gutted to make way for the eight-story
Pre-K Plan Squeeze in Dist. 10
By DAVID CRUZ Several buzzwords abound to Mayor Bill de Blasio’s lofty plan in expanding the city’s universal pre-K program. Terms such as“progressive”and “equity” appear on most news reports, suggesting de Blasio’s genuine belief the program can help raise a child’s future success. But another word still trails behind—“space.”
Hot Political Races Brew in the Bronx
By DAVID CRUZ Higher political aspirations are brewing these days, as several Bronx incumbents jockey to unseat their fellow incumbents within the Bronx political sphere, a rare development in the Bronx. This season could also pit the rest of the delegation against one another when the time for endorsements comes. While ambitious legislators have yet to fully flesh out their political ambitions, several warning shots can be heard in the distance, signaling open season for election 2014.