Community Board 7 Finds New District Manager…Again

Ischia Bravo, the former executive director of the Bronx Democratic County Committee (BDCC), was hired as the new district manager for Community Board 7, becoming the fifth district manager for the board in the last five years. Her hiring was met with some questions over whether she was truly fit for the job. Bravo, who’s hiring was approved by the board 16 to 3 with nine abstentions, succeeds the late Andrew Sandler, who resigned from the job three weeks before passing away from cancer in August. “Helping my neighbors on behalf of the community board is deeply personal for me,” Bravo,

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Crime File: Who’s Wanted in the Bronx?

Knifepoint Robbery Cops need help tracking a suspect in who robbed a 44-year-old man at knifepoint on Oct. 2 at around 11:44 p.m. Police say the suspect approached the victim in front of a residential building near 190th Street and Creston Avenue in Fordham, flashed a knife and demanded his property. The victim gave the suspect roughly $60 in cash. The suspect fled the scene eastbound on 190th Street. The suspect is described as black and being between 30 to 35 years old. He was last seen wearing glasses, a blue hooded sweater, blue jeans, and black sneakers. He was

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Inquiring Photographer: Expectations of President Trump

This week we asked readers the one thing they would like to see President Donald Trump do and/or not do in his first year in office. I would like to see him make America great as he said he wants to do. I don’t want to see him take away Obamacare, unless he can replace it with something that’s going to be more effective and will include more people. I’m hopeful, let’s give him a chance. Barbara Wadell-Steele Mott Haven   I don’t want him to deport any immigrants, because this city was made by immigrants. I’m afraid of Donald

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At 13th Congressional District Debate, Minus Three Candidates, a Tamer Joust

The candidates for the 13th Congressional District race squared off in a penultimate debate before the June 28 primary, this time focusing more on policy and staving off mudslinging. The debate, hosted and televised on BronxNet, saw six of the nine Democratic candidates—Sam Sloan, Clyde Williams, Adam Clayton Powell IV, Suzan Johnson Cook, and Mike Gallagher–take prepared questions from Gary Axelbank, the moderator. Three of the candidates—Assemblyman Guillermo Linares, Senator Adriano Espaillat, and Yohanny Caceres–were unavailable. Espaillat said last-minute business in the Albany Legislature, particularly talk on mayoral control, compelled him to stay. Linares and Caceres did not offer an explanation on their

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With New 52nd Precinct Commanding Officer, a Change of the Guard

  On his third day as the newest commanding officer of the 52nd Precinct, Deputy Inspector Peter Fiorillo emphasized the relationship between community and police can only strengthen and “better the community.” “It’ll also probably make the officers’ work a little bit easier and more efficient,” said Fiorillo, addressing residents at the latest 52nd Precinct Community Council meeting, a public forum where residents voice crime-related concerns with the precinct’s top officers. At the meeting, Fiorillo got a taste of everyday issues happening in the Five-Two, a stationhouse covering Norwood, Bedford Park, Kingsbridge, University Heights and parts of Fordham. Crime has

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Presidential Primary Day in the Bronx

SpA recap of how the candidates schmoozed voters in the Bronx From Mott Haven to University Heights, presidential candidates vying for the White House converged in the Bronx, bringing to the borough a week full of rallies, surprise stops, condemnation and a boost to its political influence. Those visits all boil down to today, with New York holding its most critical presidential primary in recent years. CHECK OUT THIS HANDY BREAKDOWN OF CANDIDATES ON BALLOTPEDIA Bernie Sanders, the U.S. Senator from Vermont, was the first to arrive, launching his New York campaign tour in the Bronx. Three weeks before the April

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Remembering Dolph Schayes, a Bronx Born NBA Great

Dolph Schayes, a DeWitt Clinton High School alum who became one of the NBA’s greatest players, died of cancer in Syracuse, New York, on Dec. 10. He was 87. Adolph Schayes was born in the University Heights section of the Bronx on May 19, 1928, to Carl and Tina Schayes, Romanian Jewish immigrants who lived at 183rd Street and Davidson Avenue near Jerome Avenue. Schayes had grown to a height of 6’5” by the time he was 11, and eventually topped out at 6’8.” Schayes was a natural for the game of basketball, playing at Creston Junior High School 79,

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CB7 Staffers Honored

COMMUNITY BOARD 7 staffers Londy Ramirez (l) and Maria Graziano (c) were honored for their daily contributions to the board covering Norwood, Bedford Park, Kingsbridge, Fordham and University Heights. Their work on helping to organize the third annual Miss Abbie’s Halloween Extravaganza Health Fair was recognized by Shanequa Charles (r), Community Board 7 member and one of the event’s lead organizers. Photo courtesy Community Board 7

CB7 Highlights Year of Activities With Newsletter

By NORWOOD NEWS Normally this format is reserved for when the latest edition of the Norwood News publishes its latest edition, but we veered from the script just a bit to present the latest newsletter by Community Board 7. The Board, under the chairmanship of newly re-elected chair Adaline Walker-Santiago, released an eight-page publication of its own showcasing the work it’s taken on since last September. The Board, covering Norwood, Bedford Park, Kingsbridge, Fordham and University Heights, has now entered a summer hiatus to catch its breath, but not before releasing its newsletter. In it, you’ll find quick blurbs of the

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