“Operation Padlock” in Action in Norwood

Two businesses with shady pasts located on East 204th Street in Norwood reopened to cash in on the legalization of marijuana. However, both stores appear to have been targeted by law enforcement as part of the new “Operation Padlock to Protect” mission.

Norwood: Movies in the Park after Dark Kicks Off in the Oval

Dozens of residents from Norwood and Bedford Park of all ages gathered at the Williamsbridge Oval Track and Field in Norwood on July 10 to watch the Pixar movie, “Finding Nemo,” kicking off the “Movies in the Park after Dark” summer series which will be running in the Oval throughout the summer.

North Central Bronx Hospital Unveils New Community Mural

The management and employees of NYC Health + Hospitals/North Central Bronx (NCB) joined artist Sophia Victor for the unveiling of a brand new mural entitled Healing Waves, created by Victor and painted on one of the interior, corridor walls of the Norwood-based hospital on June 28.

Bronx River Swims Expose Potential Danger to Kids

Having been informed of apparently unsupervised swims by children and teens in the Bronx River over the last several years, Norwood News can confirm that groups are indeed swimming in the river.