Latest Edition of the Norwood News is Out!

Hello Loyal Readers! The latest edition of the Norwood News, covering all things Norwood and its surrounding communities, is out with plenty of news you can use. We begin, of course, with page 1, and a front cover story on issues within the city Education Department’s Gifted and Talented programs. Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr., and his counterpart in Brooklyn, Eric Adams, have a task force underway that’s examining these inequalities. Read the lengths parents are willing to make to ensure their kids are in a program that’s seen as a ticket to specialized high schools, which help pave a

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Neighborhood Notes

Participatory Budgeting Residents age 14 and over, and living within the 11th Council District, which includes Norwood and Bedford Park, can vote for up to five construction projects proposed for the district under Participatory Budgeting. To vote, log on to Immigration Forum The Legal Aid Society will host a Know Your Rights immigration forum on April 3 at 9 a.m. at Montefiore Health System’s Moses Campus, Cherkasky Auditorium, 111 E. 210th St. (East Gun Hill Road entrance). Free Gardening Classes The New York Botanical Garden will host a free home gardening program on April 2 from 9:30 to 11

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Latest Edition of the Norwood News is Out!

Dear Fellow Readers, The latest edition of the Norwood News, publishing Bronx community news you can use, is out at 300 stands across the northwest Bronx. We begin, as usual, with page one and a proposal to downzone Mosholu Parkway, the green pasture that doubles as a roadway. Read what Mayor Bill de Blasio had to say about development in the borough, and get a full picture of his recent town hall powwow from reporter Wendy Joan Biddlecombe. Inside the cover you’ll find stories on Norwood’s CVS pharmacy primed to closed, according to the big chain pharmacy, an investigation into

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Neighborhood Notes

Flea Market Donations Sought Donations are needed for the Bedford Mosholu Community Association flea market scheduled to be held on March 4. Bring new and used items (except clothing) to the BMCA office at 400 E. Mosholu Pkwy. So., apt. B1 (lobby floor) on Feb. 15 and 22 from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m., Feb. 25 from 1:30 to 4 p.m., and March 1 from 7:30 to 9 p.m. For more information, call (718) 367-2230 or email [email protected]. Suited for Success The Community Affairs Unit of the Office of the Bronx District Attorney is requesting donations of clean ready-to-wear suits, ties, dress shirts and

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Latest Edition of the Norwood News is Out!

Dear Fellow Readers, Happy Groundhog Day! The Norwood News, covering the Bronx, is out with plenty of community news you can use! In this third edition of 2017 we bring you 16 pages packed with thought-provoking news items. As usual, we begin one page and a story we’ve been wanting to cover for some time: classroom space. With Mayor Bill de Blasio announcing the creation of 38,000, parents would prefer to see a school built. And so does local Bronx Community Board 7, which has made it its top request to the city. Read how many seats are needed and

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Neighborhood Notes

Volunteers Sought to Count Homeless The Department of Homeless Services seeks volunteers to count the number of street homeless on Jan. 23 from 10 p.m. to 4 a.m. as part of the annual Homeless Outreach Population Estimate (HOPE). Data collected is to help individuals move from the streets to a safe environment. For more information and to volunteer, visit to register. Apply to a Community Board Applications for placement into a local community board are available. City residents who qualify must either reside, work or have a professional or other significant interest in the Bronx. Applications are open to

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Latest Edition of the Norwood News is Out!

Hello Fellow Readers! The latest edition of the Norwood News, covering all things Bronx, specifically Norwood, is out with plenty of community news you can use. As all stories go, we’ll begin on page one and our front page story focusing on the upcoming HOPE Count by the New York City Department of Homeless Services, which is still dealing with a major homeless crisis. Read what the count is all about and why it’s been met with controversy over the years. Turning to the inside pages, we take a look at some glimmer of hope to the topsy-turvy saga that’s

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Latest Edition of the Norwood News is Out!

Dear Fellow Readers, The Norwood News, covering the Bronx, is out with its latest edition of the community newspaper, bringing you plenty of news you can use. We begin, of course, with page one, and a retrospective look at 2016, a year filled with plenty of tumult. We look back at some key stories that the Norwood News followed over the year, along with some departures and so longs. Moving ahead into 2017, we have a story on a proposal to revert Mosholu Parkway back to the days when six-story buildings were considered tall in the grassy neighborhood. Hear about one community

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Neighborhood Notes

Tax Preparers Registration The 2017 tax preparer online registration is available on the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance website, Prpearers who are paid to prepare at least one tax return in a year must be at least 18 years old, take four hours of annual continuing education and take a 16-hour basic tax course for those who’ve been professionally preparing taxes for less than three years. For more information, log on to Free Composting Repurpose food by bringing it to Lehman College’s Food Scrap Drop Off location Monday mornings from 8 to 10 a.m. when

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