Latest Edition of the Norwood News is Out!

Dear Fellow Readers, The year’s fifteenth edition of the Norwood News is out with plenty of great community news stories to dive into and share. We’ve packed 24 pages of news from this corner of the Bronx, capturing a good chunk of it. And as usual, we’ll start with page one! Our front-page story looks at the possible implications behind the Bronx Bus Network Redesign Plan, that could knock out several bus routes cutting through Norwood. Read what residents have to say about the news, and what can be done about it. Inside the cover you’ll find a piece on the

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Bus Redesign Plan Could Axe Norwood Routes, Worrying Residents

The Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) and its proposed Bronx Bus Network redesign plan could affect several Norwood bus lines, a move unseen in decades, and which could affect thousands of riders. The MTA’s draft plan to improve Bronx bus service released last month shows the Bx28 and the express BxM4, which run through Norwood, are expected to be rerouted, while the Bx38 would be eliminated altogether. In addition, the Bx30 will no longer travel to Norwood. Under the plan, the Bx28 won’t run through Mosholu Parkway and Paul Avenue respectively, which would make the Bx10 the only alternative for riders

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Norwood Sounds Off on Congestion Pricing

Only five percent of Norwood residents commute by car into Manhattan below 60th Street and so would be affected by an impending congestion pricing toll, according to an analysis of census data by the Tri-State Transportation Commission (TSTC), a nonprofit focused on public transit. In other parts of the northwest Bronx, that number is closer to three percent, the report said. But some residents told the Norwood News they were against the measure even if it would not affect them personally, saying it amounted to squeezing poor people. “It’s an abuse. They need to stop raising the prices on everything,”

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Inquiring Photographer: City Control of Subway System

With New York City Council Speaker Corey Johnson recently proposing the city take control of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA), amid the agency’s plan to raise weekly and monthly fares, we asked readers if this would make a difference in terms of service. If they fixed things I would pay a little more. They always say the same thing, but you never see the improvements. Maria Fermin Norwood   Yes, I think that would be a good idea. It’s always very slow, both the bus and trains and they’re always fixing it. The problem is too many people not working

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Schumer to Amtrak: Get on the Train for Penn Station Access

U.S. Senator and Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer is jumping into the latest campaign to press Amtrak into speeding up its negotiations over an expansion plan that would see four Metro-North stations in the Bronx. Schumer is among the growing number of elected officials pushing Amtrak to clear Metro-North to start the long-awaited project dubbed Penn Station Access. “I get a lot of money for Amtrak I am maybe its leading defender in the congress and I am asking Amtrak to step up to the plate,” said Schumer, standing outside Co-Op City’s Section 5, which overlooks Pelham Bay Bridge. “The

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Pols: Elevator Needs at Mosholu Pkwy. Station

A petitioning campaign is underway in Norwood aimed at putting pressure on the Metropolitan Transportation Authority to prioritize the installation of a much-needed elevator at the Mosholu Parkway 4 No. train station. The effort is noticeably led by Eric Dinowitz, District Leader for the area’s 81st Assembly District who’s expressed interest in running for the City Council seat currently held by Norwood Councilman Andrew Cohen. Cohen, whose district overlaps with the train station, was not there. “We know that more than 10 percent of the population here has a disability, so you could figure it’s over a thousand people who

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Local Officials to MTA: Get Elevator for Mosholu Station

Officials representing Norwood are urging the MTA to consider building an elevator at the Mosholu Parkway subway station, which could be a boon to disabled riders who get on and off the station. In a letter drafted to authority president Andy Byford, Assembly Members Jeff Dinowitz and Nathalia Fernandez, Councilman Andrew Cohen, and state Senator Jamaal Bailey, lobbied for the station to get an elevator. The news comes as the MTA Board approved $300 million to reconfigure 18 stations to make them wheelchair accessible, adhering to a 1993 federal ruling that mandates all current and new stations across the system

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Inquiring Photographer: Subways and De Blasio

This week we asked readers if they plan on voting for Mayor Bill de Blasio in the upcoming election and whether they believe his proposed millionaire’s tax would bring enough funds to overhaul the New York City transit system. I can’t recall if I voted for him initially, but I don’t think I’d vote for him now because I feel he’s a little biased overall, even though his wife is a woman of color. I think he’s a biased person and I don’t think he does enough for the community. The tax would have to be substantial. But would the

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Inquiring Photographer: The MTA’s Plan to Improve Service

This week we asked readers their thoughts on the performance of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) subway and bus service in light of a six-point plan to decrease delays. I spent four hours this weekend on the train and it should have taken less than two. The D train was re-routed; there was no messages posted, so I didn’t know where I was going to get back to the Bronx. So it took me four hours. There seems to be some consistency because it’s always happening. You pay more, but the service stays poor. Lola Ferrer Norwood   I think

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