Developers Expected to Make Appearance at Armory Meeting

Developers of the Kingsbridge National Ice Center are expected to attend a meeting over the status of the imminent ice project that’s suffered several delays within the last year. The meeting, organized by State Senator Gustavo Rivera, whose district falls within the Armory borders, organized the meeting at the behest of community activists outraged over an oddly timed hearing involving the state loaning $30 million to the ice developers. Many are concerned about the lingering effects a major project brings to a community, particularly fears of gentrification in a largely working poor neighborhood. “Striking the right balance between fostering progress

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Editorial: The Politics of the Kingsbridge Armory

The Kingsbridge National Ice Center (KNIC) is edging close to actual construction at the Kingsbridge Armory, with progress in the form of the state’s financial support towards the project. Not much of a sound was heard about the Armory in 2015, though developers insisted plenty was going on behind the scenes. That’s true, and it’s thanks to the working relationship between Governor Andrew Cuomo and Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. Since the early part of 2015, the pair has forged an ever-strengthening bond that’s allowed Diaz to check off some items (though not yet achievements since certain projects haven’t

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Latest Edition of the Norwood News Is Out!

Hello readers! As usual, as promised, and right on time–the latest edition of the Norwood News is out with plenty of Bronx community news for you to share. This week the paper heads to Bedford Park for a proposal by the New York Botanical Garden to convert its large space into a multi-used site, with the possibility of a hotel added to the fold. Only residents worry any new development could knock out the existing supermarket. Find out what one top official from NYBG has to say about that. We move from one development to another in Kingsbridge–the Kingsbridge National Ice

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At Kingsbridge Armory Hearing, Rehashing Unresolved Worries

Though the Kingsbridge National Ice Center (KNIC) was approved to occupy the Kingsbridge Armory in 2013, loose ends relating to the mammoth project were brought up during a hostile public meeting involving an approved loan for the enormous project. In what was a barely publicized public hearing Jan. 14, residents and special interests groups testified before officials representing the Empire State Development (ESD) agency. The ESD’s Board of Directors had voted to approve a $30 million construction loan for the project, part of a larger $130 million project before the economic development agency. The Board’s approval of the loan sparked

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Latest Edition of the Norwood News Is Out!

Greetings Readers! The Norwood News is out with its first edition of 2016! We ring in the new year with 20 pages of community news you can use. We also feature the work from students of the Norwood News‘ Bronx Youth Heard program, a twelve-week course that teaches the fundamentals of journalism to Bronx high school students. But first, we take you to Kingsbridge Heights where some behind-the-scenes dealings at the Kingsbridge Armory could finally jumpstart renovations for the highly anticipated Kingsbridge National Ice Center. Thanks to the state, the public can finally get a chance to see the long awaited project get

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Public Hearing Set for Jan. 14 Over Armory Finance Deal

Developers behind the Kingsbridge National Ice Center (KNIC) have been approved for a multi-million dollar loan by the state to begin construction on its $348 million ice skating center at the Kingsbridge Armory. The news signals a major hurdle crossed by developers, whose progress at the vacant Armory waned in 2015. Developers for KNIC Properties LP have spent the better part of 2015 scouting for philanthropists and private donors to help fund the massive project, purported to become the world’s largest ice skating center. Read materials for the public session here The Board of Directors for the Empire State Development

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KNIC Secures State Loan to Jumpstart Ice Skating Center Project, But Meets With Hurdles

The developers behind the Kingsbridge National Ice Center (KNIC) have been approved for a multi-million dollar loan by the state to begin construction on its $348 million project. But developers still can’t claim the lease since the city hasn’t released it to them, the Norwood News has learned. Developers for KNIC Partners LLC project have spent the better part of 2015 scouting for philanthropists and private donors to help fund the massive project, purported to become the world’s largest ice skating center. Last week, the Board of Directors for the Empire State Development (ESD), an economic development agency that seeks to

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Digital Edition of the Norwood News Is Out!

Dear Readers, Happy belated Thanksgiving Day! If you’re at home or work, you could spend some time to check out some community news you can use with the Norwood News, covering the northwest Bronx. The digital edition, and physical paper are out with news you won’t find anywhere else. Our front page focuses on an issue impacting the 63 percent of rent burdened Bronxites living in the northwest Bronx–two zoning proposals rejected by Bronx officials. Considered the DNA of Mayor Bill de Blasio’s Housing New York Plan, the zoning text amendments were not well-received by Bronx elected officials and community boards.

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Kingsbridge Residence to Be Built Across Armory

A 13-story, mixed-use residential high-rise with a twist is slated to go up near the mouth of the Kingsbridge Armory, the Norwood News has learned. Alan Bell of Bell Urban LLC and B&B Supportive LLC, is expected to build the site at 2700 Jerome Ave. for an estimated $59 million. Until recently the site was a defunct car wash and nightclub, which were now bulldozed. In all, 137 units for low to mid-income will be built, along with a mandated indoor garage at the barren block. Bell’s project is a rare one. With 15 percent of the units set aside

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