Inquiring Photographer: Raise the Age Takes Effect

This week we asked readers their thoughts on the newly passed Raised the Age measure that separates 16- and 17-year-old inmates from the adults and incarcerates them in detention centers instead of on Rikers Island, which is slated to close in 2027. From what I understand they’ve had 16- and 17-year-olds on Rikers Island for years without seeing a judge or anything. I myself had a family member who was in Rikers Island for smoking weed and he was there for years… for only a joint. They have to be housed somewhere. Any neighborhood you take them you’re going to

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Inquiring Photographer

This week we asked readers if they did everything they wanted to do this summer and what they look forward to (or not) with the cooler temperatures. I didn’t do anything this summer because I was in court and it was a disaster. I couldn’t swim because I had too many things on my mind. I had no barbecue, I had barbecue on the stove from the Chinese restaurant. I can feel it. I will stay here because I feel comfortable here. I will take it as it comes, I don’t think it will be that cold, but seasons do

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Inquiring Photographer: Speed Camera Expansion

This week we asked readers what they think about the city’s plan to expand the speed camera program that places cameras with radar detection around public schools, increasing the number from 140 to 290 locations. It doesn’t matter. I mean, people are going to drive any way they want. But around schools, personally I would drive the speed limit and just speed up afterwards. I don’t think it will change anything. People are going to do anything they want to do at the moment. They make laws for different reasons. If you’re passing a school you shouldn’t be speeding, that’s

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Latest Edition of the Norwood News is Out!

Dear Fellow Readers, The latest edition of the Norwood News is out with plenty of community news you can use. With 20 pages of news, we have a lot to cover. Our front page cover story focuses on the street co-naming of “Mary Vallati Way” in memory of the late community activist who died at the age of 102. Read what the street co-naming means to those who knew Vallati and the impact her endearing legacy can have on Bedford Park and Norwood. Also, read up on the editorial praising the value her stewardship left on the neighborhood. The Norwood

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Inquiring Photographer: New Car Sharing Regulations

This week we asked readers their thoughts on the City Council’s decision to impose new regulations on Uber and Lyft drivers, that include a 1-year hiring freeze and minimum pay standards for drivers. I think it’s better for the Uber driver. If anything, they’ll make more money for the company and themselves, if it makes [them] bigger. They provide a better service, really. Taxis are everywhere, but I feel like Uber service is a lot better than the yellow taxis. Uber is all around; they’re everywhere and the taxis will drive right by you. If Uber can’t survive, Bronxites will

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Latest Edition of the Norwood News is Out!

Dear Fellow Readers, The latest edition of the Norwood News is out, though this time it’s our traditional one-month edition. That’s right, one month. But it’s packed with plenty of news that will get you talking for the month so let’s start with page one. Our epic page one story focuses on several political rumblings and races heading into the September primary. For the Bronx, that’s usually a time where Democrats will decide who will want to be their general election nominee. You’ll hear from the candidates in the closely watched 34th Senate District and the lone nominee for the

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Latest Edition of the Norwood News is Out!

Dear Fellow Readers, The latest edition of the Norwood News, covering the Bronx, is out and loaded with 20 pages of original news content covering the Bronx. In keeping with tradition we begin with page one! This one focuses on the re-opening of Whalen Park, which unlike other park projects has opened in record time (see headline). Find out how what prompted this park to open so quickly. Also, you can hear from what parents think of the revamped park. On page 3 you’ll find a great feel-good story of Bobby Gonzalez, a Norwood man who will be honored for his

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Inquiring Photographer: Crime in the Bronx

This week we asked readers about the latest NYPD statistics that show overall crime is down, but homicides, shootings and rapes are all up substantially. I think it’s worse than ever. I’m going to be honest with you, I was telling people it seems like we’re going back to the ‘90s a little bit, when something was always happening in every neighborhood. It wasn’t just pinpointed in one area, it’s just everywhere now. They need to have more cops patrolling on foot, not driving by. They need to walk through neighborhoods that they know violence is happening and drugs being

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Inquiring Photographer: Guzman-Feliz Murder

This week we asked readers their thoughts on the death of 15-year-old Lesandro Guzman-Feliz, and if the workers in the bodega where he was dragged out of did enough to prevent his murder. They say that the owner could have done more. I don’t know the owner’s story, I don’t know how much the owner did or didn’t do, so I can’t say that I would hold him accountable for it. It’s a tragedy and we need to do something about it; it doesn’t make sense to me. I think the NYPD is the best in the world, because they

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