Inquiring Photographer: Thoughts on Double Parking

This week, we asked readers their thoughts on the age-old problem of double parking, the problems it can cause, as well as possible solutions.   “I see a lot of cops stop people from double parking because every time there’s double parking, it always causes a lot of traffic and people can’t get through. If people keep on double parking, they’re just going to get tickets. If they don’t want to get a ticket, you must move the car because the cops always come around and tell you no double parking. There should be even more enforcement.” Allan Peisel, Norwood “It

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Inquiring Photographer: Thoughts on Why People Oppose Banning Assault Weapons

  This week, we asked readers their thoughts on the possibility of banning assault weapons, and what is driving the opposition by some to banning the use by civilians of weapons of war.     “Assault weapons or machine guns shouldn’t be in the hands of regular citizens; they should only be used by the military, but all citizens should be able to own handguns and rifles. No one should be dying. Lawmakers should just take some action. They should just make the right choice. My thinking is if you know the history of how the police first began, they were

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Inquiring Photographer: Thoughts on Proposed Bipartisan African American History Act

This week, in recognition of Black History Month, we asked readers their thoughts on the proposed bipartisan African American History Act bill, introduced to Congress once again by Democratic co-sponsors, U.S. Rep. Jamaal Bowman (NY-16) and U.S. Sen. Corey Booker (NJ) as reported, and which, if passed, would invest $10 million over the next 5 years to promote and support education programs dedicated to African American history.   “I think they should sign this legislation with the hope that all Black and brown communities will also have their stories told. Truth be told, as a Puerto Rican-American, our story has

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