Norwood: Sun Shines for Mosholu Fall Festival

After heavy rain dampened the atmosphere somewhat during last year’s Annual Mosholu Fall Festival, this year’s event could not have taken place on a more perfect day as the sun beamed down on Knox Gate Playground on Mosholu Parkway and Gates Place in Norwood, drawing families and neighbors together for a fun-filled day.

UPDATE Bronx Community District 7 Residents Disappointed with Delays in CB7 Parks’ Budget Requests

Bronx Community Board 7 (CB7) Parks committee spent much of their September meeting discussing the district’s needs from a parks, recreation and cultural affairs perspective, in preparation for the City’s budget discussions next year. Since many of CB7’s capital and expense requests previously submitted last year to various city agencies have been pending for several years, some residents voiced their concern and frustration at the delays in actioning those requests.

Norwood: Movies in the Park after Dark Kicks Off in the Oval

Dozens of residents from Norwood and Bedford Park of all ages gathered at the Williamsbridge Oval Track and Field in Norwood on July 10 to watch the Pixar movie, “Finding Nemo,” kicking off the “Movies in the Park after Dark” summer series which will be running in the Oval throughout the summer.

Norwood Pride Festival Makes its Debut in Williamsbridge Oval

The inaugural “Norwood Pride” festival took place on Sunday, June 23, in the Williamsbridge Oval park in Norwood. Its launch was rather ceremonious in that not only did local elected officials, State Sen. Gustavo Rivera (S.D. 33), and City Council Member Eric Dinowitz (C.D. 11), show up to celebrate with the local community, but so too did Bronx Borough President Vanessa Gibson.