Washington Greys Military Cadets Working to Return to Kingsbridge Armory Annex

  Having been removed from their base in 2017 over safety concerns, the Washington Greys Military Cadets are one step closer to returning to the annex abutting the Kingsbridge Armory which they’ve called home for decades. Community Board 7 has approved a critical letter advocating for the group’s return which would relieve the military group of any rent it would have to pay to stay at the annex. Known also as “the Greys,” the non-profit organization operates to instill discipline in youth who have been involved with or at risk of juvenile delinquency. Without the support of the community board,

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With Bronx Businesses Under Siege, A Bill to Stabilize Commercial Tenant Leases

In the decades since Tom opened his Kingsbridge business, things had always been profitable and quiet. That was until last year when his landlord denied him his regularly five-year lease extension. Tom asked his last name be kept confidential for fear of retribution from his landlord who’s dangled month-to-month lease over his head. “My future’s uncertain there,” said Tom. He’s since refocused his attention on kick starting his restaurant business in nearby Westchester County, where small businesses are welcomed, he noted. Along Kingsbridge Road, a commercial area home to small businesses, many stores have maintained a holding pattern as the

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Bronx Youth Journalists Report: What Would You Like to See at the Kingsbridge Armory?

Editor’s Note–The following was filed by student reporters in the Bronx Youth Journalism Initiative. They are: Alexa Silver, Claudia Seda, Camryn Clarke, Paige Ruiz, Tatyana Turner, Patience Cournoo, Brittney Williams, Brandon Alleyne, Alexis Butler, Brenda Sichini, Nayeh Yisrael, Kassidy Washington, Terrance Washington, Selena Marte, Ricky Mieses, Celeste Pasian, Jasmin Lino, Andrea Jewth, Kavon Wilson. Today’s the big day–the deadline for interested developers who want to set up shop at the Kingsbridge Armory to submit their applications to the city. A spokesman for the Economic Development Corporation, charged with sorting through the proposals, said they were due in at 4 p.m.

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Living Wage Hearing Scheduled for Tomorrow

Parties on both sides of the contentious living wage debate are gearing up for another fight tomorrow, as the City Council is scheduled to hold its second hearing on the bill–this time to consider recent revisions made to the legislation to appease critics and make it more business-friendly.