Photo by Kimberly Jacobs
The Jerome-Gun Hill Business Improvement District (BID) is bringing the movie experience to a park near you, and it’s empowering you to pick the summer flick.
The BID, teaming up with the Mosholu Preservation Corporation (MPC), Partnership for Parks, a collaborative of City Parks Foundation and the New York City Parks Department, is set to present its first-ever movie event at Williamsbridge Oval Park. The site is ideal–it’s the epicenter of Norwood, complete with a large football field to cater to dozens of moviegoers.
In preparation, they’re asking for residents to nominate family-friendly movies by April 15. After the BID and the Friends of the Williamsbridge Oval sort through the nominations together, the top three movies will be placed on their social media sites, along with the BID and Norwood News websites, for voting, of which the two with the highest number of votes will be shown over the summer.
“We’re looking for movies that you can watch with the entire family, kid-friendly movies,” said Marcia Cameron, doubling as executive director of the Jerome-Gun Hill BID and deputy director of MPC. “Mosholu Preservation Corporation has always been focused on community development and what better way to bring families together than hosting movies in the beautiful Williamsbridge Oval Park,” she said.
Readers can send in their movie nomination by emailing [email protected].
When will they selected top three movie’s for the “summer movie nights” series be posted on this website?