With a monster storm approaching, what would it be without some awesome pictures! Email your awesome snowstorm pics to dcruz@norwoodnews.org and we will publish them on the site, immortalizing the fury of this storm forever! You can also tweet us @norwoodnews.
So far, agencies are batting down the hatches as the storm lumbers along from the west, later joining with another storm system that will produce sub-zero temps that haven’t been seen in years. The Sanitation Department already has it’s army of workers patrolling the neighborhoods with the MTA stopping express service at 5:45pm today, January 2. For drivers: ALTERNATE SIDE IS SUSPENDED!
So hunker down, stay updated, and stay warm as the Norwood News helps you ride out the storm.
All senior centers will be closed tomorrow.
This includes the office of the Mosholu-Bainbridge Assistance Center at 3176 Bainbridge. West Bronx Housing and Neighborhood Resource Center shares this space with the Mosholu-Bainbridge Assistance Center, and will also be closed.