“Brooklyn Burial” is a new short film, shot in Woodlawn Cemetery, which co-stars and is written and directed by Christine Sloan Stoddard, who plays opposite Disnie Sebastien. The film follows two friends, Cammy and Victrice, during an exchange which takes place in a cemetery after Cammy’s broken engagement. The film asks how Victrice will react to Cammy invoking a poetry spell to address her heartache.
Following a successful Facebook fundraiser, and shot in November 2020 using New York City talent from the Bronx and Brooklyn, the film is now available to watch, password-free, here through Jan. 12.
After Jan. 12, viewers can still watch the film by requesting the password from info@quailbell.com. Brooklyn Burial will begin its virtual tour of the film festival circuit around this time.
Stoddard’s films and videos have appeared in the New York Long Island Film Festival, the New York Transit Museum, the Queens Museum, The Huffington Post, FiveMyles Gallery, and elsewhere. Her short film, Bottled, is now streaming on Amazon Prime Video.
Find out more about the director at www.worldofchristinestoddard.com and more about the production company at www.quailbell.com.