Four Years Later, Oval Park Center Still Closed for Renovations

Tancy Rodriguez moved to the Norwood area four years ago. During her entire residence in the community, the Williamsbridge Oval Park recreation center, long known as a bustling hub of neighborhood activity and safe haven for local youth, has been closed. “I want my son to enjoy the activities at the rec center, but it's just not open," she said during a “peaceful protest” outside of the closed center on a recent Friday afternoon.

Fearing the Worst, Clinton Fights to Save School

Alan Ettman, an English teacher at DeWitt Clinton High School, has been down this path before. He taught at Walton High School, a large school just a mile south of Clinton, before a couple of small schools were “co-located” into the same building around the turn of the century. Renovations were soon done at the building for the new schools, while Walton’s facilities deteriorated and its spirit sank. At one point, Ettman literally found himself locked out of the faculty bathroom.