CB 7 Must Vote ‘No’ on Armory Development

On June 24, Community Board 7 held a public hearing on the Related Companies' application to develop the Kingsbridge Armory. This has been a long time coming. If done well, this project will become an engine to revitalize the community; helping northwest Bronx residents succeed for generations to come, with new schools, recreation and community space, new shops which do not drive out existing neighborhood business, and the creation of good jobs for local residents.

Sadly, Related's application for the sale and rezoning of the Armory falls far short of these goals.

The most heated City Council race in the Bronx is burning several degrees hotter after key endorsements went to a rising but relatively unknown political rookie, Dr. Fernando Cabrera. The endorsements represent a boost for Cabrera and a blow for embattled incumbent Maria Baez.

Two Political Parties Endorse Cabrera for Council

The most heated City Council race in the Bronx is burning several degrees hotter after key endorsements went to a rising but relatively unknown political rookie, Dr. Fernando Cabrera. The endorsements represent a boost for Cabrera and a blow for embattled incumbent Maria Baez.

Community groups and new Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz, Jr. are combining forces to negotiate an agreement that would provide additional community benefits from the coming redevelopment of the Kingsbridge Amory.

If successful, the collaboration between the Kingsbridge Armory Redevelopment Alliance (KARA), Community Board 7 and the borough president's office, could become a new model for large-scale development projects in New York City.

He's already been on the job a month, but that didn't stop a packed Lehman Center for the Performing Arts and the city and state's top officials from attending the formal swearing-in of Ruben Diaz, Jr., the 13th borough president of the Bronx last Thursday.

Forces Coming Together To Pursue Armory Benefits

Community groups and new Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz, Jr. are combining forces to negotiate an agreement that would provide additional community benefits from the coming redevelopment of the Kingsbridge Amory.

If successful, the collaboration between the Kingsbridge Armory Redevelopment Alliance (KARA), Community Board 7 and the borough president's office, could become a new model for large-scale development projects in New York City.

Diaz Sworn In at Lehman Center

He's already been on the job a month, but that didn't stop a packed Lehman Center for the Performing Arts and the city and state's top officials from attending the formal swearing-in of Ruben Diaz, Jr., the 13th borough president of the Bronx last Thursday.

The Kingsbridge Armory Task Force is set to meet on April 24. What will the topic of discussion be? Depends on who you ask: the city or community groups.