The 33rd Senate District Candidates on the Issues

Last month, the Norwood News asked candidates in the 33rd District Senate race to answer, in writing, a number of questions concerning their political positions, their thoughts on key issues in the community, and what they would do if elected.

Daniel Padernacht and Gustavo Rivera got back to us, but State Senator Pedro Espada, Jr., the incumbent, didn't. In an e-mail, a staffer of his wrote: "Thank you for the survey, however we will not be participating at this time. The Senator's positions will be made available via other media, including his website and Facebook."

The accompanying grid contains a synopsis of Rivera' answers. As Espada didn't provide any, we've attempted to fill in some of the gaps for him, using his voting record and comments he's made in the past to the press. Padernacht withdrew from the race last weeked.

Senate Candidate Responds to Disability Questions

Desiree Pilgrim-Hunter, a local activist who is running for state senate in the Bronx 33rd District, doesn't want to be known for her disability, a back injury stemming from a birth defect in her spine that has cause her a tremendous amount of pain throughout her adult life.

But last week, she found herself defending her integrity when a blog post questioned how she could possibly run for office and be a hard-working senator while, at the same time, receiving disability benefits that define her as someone who is incapable of working.

Discovery Students Sowing Seeds for the Future

The perimeter of Steve Ritz's classroom at Discovery High School is consumed by sprouts, vegetables, and flowers that grow in pots, and on walls.

What began here as a simple science experiment has grown into a gardening phenomenon that is opening doors and eyes. It has led to a school-wide lesson in healthy eating and, ultimately, to Ritz's students getting certified and employed as green technology workers.

Pioneering Pastor, Organizer Moves On After 15+ Years

On Sunday, May 30, Pastor Katrina Foster's last Sunday at the Fordham Lutheran Church, more than 100 people turned out for a long, loud and joyful service. Foster's infectious energy, enthusiasm and warmth were very much on display that morning. During a performance by the choir, she could be seen bobbing her head vigorously, clapping her hands, and singing along, a huge smile spread across her face.