PS 86 Community to DOE: Don’t Fix What Isn’t Broken

The entire PS 86 community — parents, faculty, students and alumni — came out in force recently to vehemently oppose two city proposals that would dramatically change the landscape of this overcrowded, but successful school. Hundreds of PS 86 supporters gathered on Nov. 18 at a Community Education Council of District 10 meeting to demand the Department of Education stop proposals to eliminate the school’s 6th grade and re-zone it to reduce the number of families who could send their children there.

Bronx Pols Say Living Wage Study is Rigged

New legislation guaranteeing good paying jobs at development projects that receive significant city subsidies is gaining momentum in the City Council. But backers of the bill, including Bronx Councilman Oliver Koppell, say the mayor's office is stacking the deck in opposition to it.

Neighborhood Notes

Green Cart Open House WHEDco is hosting an open house for NYC Green Cart permit holders to discuss all kinds of Green Cart-related issues on Thursday, Sept. 30, from 4 to 6 p.m. at 1330 Intervale Ave., between Freeman and Jennings streets. This for existing NYC Green Cart permit holders only. Bring copies of your […]

The 33rd Senate District Candidates on the Issues

Last month, the Norwood News asked candidates in the 33rd District Senate race to answer, in writing, a number of questions concerning their political positions, their thoughts on key issues in the community, and what they would do if elected.

Daniel Padernacht and Gustavo Rivera got back to us, but State Senator Pedro Espada, Jr., the incumbent, didn't. In an e-mail, a staffer of his wrote: "Thank you for the survey, however we will not be participating at this time. The Senator's positions will be made available via other media, including his website and Facebook."

The accompanying grid contains a synopsis of Rivera' answers. As Espada didn't provide any, we've attempted to fill in some of the gaps for him, using his voting record and comments he's made in the past to the press. Padernacht withdrew from the race last weeked.