CB7 Chair Appoints New Members of KNIC Council Days Before First Meeting

  Community Board 7’s handpicked appointees for the Kingsbridge National Ice Center’s Community Advisory Council have been removed by the presiding CB7 chair, which included a previous CB7 chair and another who ran against her in June. The timing came days before the full CAC was to hold its first meeting. The unilateral decision came last Friday. […]

The Bronx Beltway

By DAVID CRUZ Kingsbridge Armory Councilman Fernando Cabrera, in his role as 14th Council District rep, has picked his appointees for the Community Advisory Council (CAC) linked to the Kingsbridge National Ice Center. The 11-member panel was born out of the Community Benefits Agreement (CBA) drafted by KNIC and community leaders. The body will oversee […]

Digital Edition of the Norwood News Is Out

By DAVID CRUZ  From the pages to your smartphone, computer or laptop, the latest digital edition of the Norwood News is out with pages of community news you can use. First up, we delve into the latest stage of the Kingsbridge National Ice Center,  set to be in the home of the Kingsbridge Armory. While developers emphasize the […]

Digital Edition of the Norwood News Is Out!

By DAVID CRUZ  The latest edition of the Norwood News is hitting 300 locations throughout the northwest Bronx this morning, and it’s loaded with plenty of community news you can use. Here are some stories that can grab you: We begin what’s been happening in the neighborhood’s long running story: developments at the Kingsbridge Armory. […]