Report Says Bedford Park Rail Yard “Tremendous Potential” for Development

In a proposal that’s likely several years away from construction, Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. unveiled his vision to generate more development by plating over existing open air rail yards dotted around the borough. The concept served as the crux to his ten-page report on the promise three rail yards hold for development. And while two yards […]

Editorial: Welcoming 2016, With Predictions on New Round of Stories 

Anticipating news stories is a bit tricky in journalism. Stories involve truth, which is always stranger than fiction, making news predictions, well, tricky. But in looking ahead, the Norwood News is looking backward to determine what stories will spark ire, provoke further discussion, and signal change. So far, this could be the year of repeats. […]

Latest Edition of the Norwood News Is Out!

Greetings Readers! The Norwood News is out with its first edition of 2016! We ring in the new year with 20 pages of community news you can use. We also feature the work from students of the Norwood News‘ Bronx Youth Heard program, a twelve-week course that teaches the fundamentals of journalism to Bronx high school students. But […]

KNIC Secures State Loan to Jumpstart Ice Skating Center Project, But Meets With Hurdles

The developers behind the Kingsbridge National Ice Center (KNIC) have been approved for a multi-million dollar loan by the state to begin construction on its $348 million project. But developers still can’t claim the lease since the city hasn’t released it to them, the Norwood News has learned. Developers for KNIC Partners LLC project have spent […]

Digital Edition of the Norwood News Is Out!

Dear Readers, Happy belated Thanksgiving Day! If you’re at home or work, you could spend some time to check out some community news you can use with the Norwood News, covering the northwest Bronx. The digital edition, and physical paper are out with news you won’t find anywhere else. Our front page focuses on an issue […]