Norwood News Looks Back on The Bronx This Past Decade

The Bronx witnessed so much transformative change we’d be remiss not to mention how the borough fared this past decade. The paper pored over the last ten years to recap some of the more high-profile stories that have left a lasting impact on the Bronx. Development Within the last 10 years the Bronx has seen […]

Norwood News 2019 Year in Review

What a year in 2019 for the Bronx! In keeping with tradition, the Norwood News paused to look back on 2019 with a highlight of several ongoing stories we’ve followed this past year. Development Large-scale development became the operative word in 2019, with a flood of projects happening simultaneously in Norwood and Bedford Park, prompting a […]

As KNIC Project Lumbers Along, New Deadline Set

The owner behind the beleaguered and virtually dormant Kingsbridge National Ice Center (KNIC) project, revealed a new start time for the plan, telling the Norwood News he intends to see the ambitious project through despite ongoing delays and legal follies. “I’m very confident we’re gonna get there, it’s just not a straight line, nothing ever […]

Struggling Non-Profit Running Its Course

The Kingsbridge Heights Neighborhood Improvement Association (KHNIA) may not celebrate its 39th anniversary next year. The grassroots nonprofit faces eviction with no plans for an alternate location, entering an uncertain future that will be settled in Housing Court. The organization operates out of 2805 University Ave. by its vice president and outreach coordinator, Elizabeth Thompson. […]

CB7 Chair Unexpectedly Resigns, Will Remain Member

Adaline Walker-Santiago, the chair of Community Board 7 who brought a cheerleading style to her leadership, unexpectedly resigned on April 17. In her announcement to members and the general public at the latest community board, Walker-Santiago pledged to remain a member of the north Bronx board. Her resignation as chair is effective April 30. Walker-Santiago […]