Developer Seeking Armory Job No Stranger to Controversy

Peter Fine, the well-connected developer who is emerging as a top contender to secure the rights to redevelop the Kingsbridge Armory, has cultivated success as well as controversy in other areas of the city. As the Norwood News reported last issue, everyone interested in the armory project generally liked the detailed proposal Fine laid out at a Community Board 7 Land Use meeting on May 31. Fine put wind behind his own sails by securing a Zerega Avenue industrial site, which he would use to relocate the two National Guard units currently housed in the armory.

Developer Seeks CB7 Stamp of Approval on Armory Project

Builder Peter Fine unveiled his colorful and detailed Kingsbridge Armory redevelopment proposal at Community Board 7 two weeks ago, hoping to bypass a laborious city process for choosing a developer. The city plans to issue a request for proposals (RFP) in August that would essentially open the door to any interested firm to present their vision for the mammoth landmark.

City Chief to Visit Armory

Deputy Mayor Dan Doctoroff, the city's development czar, will tour the Kingsbridge Armory in two weeks. The visit, scheduled for Thursday, May 4, is a sign of the city's growing interest in advancing the long-stalled project.

Carrión Predicts Action on Armory

Pronouncing himself "sick and tired of talking about the Kingsbridge Armory," Bronx Borough President Adolfo Carrión, Jr. said he expected "action" in the long-delayed renovation of the Kingsbridge Armory within the next 24 months.

Police Academy in Store for Armory?

Some officials in the Bloomberg administration want a new police academy inside the Kingsbridge Armory, and that is more of a stumbling block than where to put the two National Guard units who still use the site, say local elected officials.

Armory Unit Returns From Iraq

Members of the National Guard's 145th Maintenance Unit returned home from Iraq on Dec. 29 after the company's first overseas deployment. The unit, which is based out of the Kingsbridge Armory, spent the last 13 months fixing vehicles and air conditioners in the southern city of Nasiriya.