The Norwood News' 2009 primary voter's guide. Take a look at the candidates in the area's two competitive City Council races: the 11th and 14th Districts. Find out how and where to vote. And see who's running in the citywide races.

The DEP recently conducted a drill to test emergency procedures in the case of a chlorine leak at the Jerome Park Reservoir Gatehouse #5 on Paul Avenue in Bedford Park, but it wasn't without incident.

Construction Workers Escape Accident with Minor Injuries

Two construction workers narrowly avoided death after a large panel of bricks unexpectedly ripped off the side of a Montefiore Medical Center research building earlier this morning, knocking them off their scaffolding rig.

Both workers were taken to the nearby emergency room, but they sustained only minor injuries.

Analog Broadcasting to be Discontinued in 2009

All analog broadcasting for television stations across the country will be discontinued and switched to digital broadcasting on Feb. 18, 2009. The U.S. government mandated this to free analog broadcasting frequencies for use by Fire, Police, and other emergency services. After this date, without the purchase of a set-top box, or switch to a cable or satellite provider, 19 million households will be viewing only static.