Digital Edition of the Norwood News Is Out!

by David Cruz  The latest edition of the Norwood News is out, only this time we’re bringing the digital publication a day early for the techno savvy to digest. In here you’ll find twenty pages filled with neighborhood news you can use, touching on stories impacting Norwood and beyond. First we begin locally with community outrage […]

Print Preview: Latest Edition of the Norwood News is Out!

  Has two weeks passed already!?! In the interim, the Norwood News gathered several noteworthy news items that makes up this latest edition. Inside you will find several interesting top stories on the Croton Water Filtration Plant and the impending Bronx Day in Albany that will spark a conversation. Check out our In The Public Interest, Inquiring […]

Hot Off The Press, The Latest Norwood News!

The latest edition of the Norwood News is out on Bronx streets now. In addition to being scattered throughout the northwest Bronx neighborhoods of Fordham, University Heights, Bedford Park, Kingsbridge Heights, Van Cortlandt Village and Norwood, the print edition is now also being distributed in Westchester Square and parts of Wakefield. You'll find the Norwood News in hospitals, medical offices, libraries, community centers, banks, schools, churches, shops and restaurants.