Latest Edition of the Norwood News is Out!

Hello fellow readers, The newest edition of the Norwood News is out with 20 pages of Bronx community news you can use. We begin with a familiar story: The Kingsbridge Armory. The latest in this poor, ongoing saga is the Kingsbridge National Ice Center’s attempt at wanting to purchase the enormous property from the City of New […]

Latest Edition of the Norwood News is Out!

Greetings Loyal Readers! The latest edition of the Norwood News is out with plenty of community news you can use. We begin, of course, in the beginning with page one: coverage of the September Primary in the Bronx. It was a pretty predictable ending for the candidates, with no upsets. Typical for incumbents and party-backed […]

Latest Edition of the Norwood News is Out!

Greeting Readers! After a brief hiatus (depending on how you ask) the Norwood News is back with its regularly scheduled edition of the neighborhood paper covering plenty of Bronx news you can use. We begin with a story we’ve been following for some time, the saga involving a two-story home on Bedford Park. We bring […]

Latest Edition of the Norwood News Is Out!

Hello Faithful Readers, The month-long edition of the Norwood News is out with plenty of Bronx community news you can use. With our July-August edition, are some interesting stories intended to pique your interest. We first begin in Bedford Park with a tenants meeting involving Ved Parkash, dubbed the city’s worst landlord. Hear what tenants living […]

Latest Edition of the Norwood News is Out!

Dear Fellow Readers, It’s that time again! The latest edition of Norwood News is out, featuring plenty of community news you can use! We begin, of course, with the front page story on a new program rolled out by the 52nd Precinct dubbed the Neighborhood Coordination Officer program. Find out how this program, in the works […]

Latest Edition of the Norwood News is Out!

Dear Fellow Readers, The multi-award winning Norwood News, bringing you plenty of community news you can use is out with its latest edition. We have 20 packed pages full of news, with one page devoted to several nods the paper received within the last first. As usual, we take you to page one, and a story […]

Latest Edition of the Norwood News is Out

Dear Readers, The latest edition of the Norwood News, covering community news in the Bronx, is out with its latest edition covering the northwest part of the borough. We begin with page one, and a confounding story on current zoning rules in Bedford Park and its impact on a three-story home in the neighborhood. Learn […]

Latest Edition of the Norwood News Is Out!

Dear Loyal Readers, The latest edition of the Norwood News, covering all things northwest Bronx, is out with plenty of community news you can use. We begin, as always, on page 1 with an in-depth story on the 52nd Precinct’s newest commanding officer, Deputy Inspector Peter Fiorillo, who succeeds Inspector Nilda Hofmann. Read where Inspector […]

Latest Edition of the Norwood News Is Out

Hello Loyal Readers! The ninth edition of the Norwood News, covering community news you can use, is out, hitting over 300 locations throughout Norwood and its surrounding neighborhoods. Of course, we begin in Norwood, at the enormous Tracey Towers. There, residents are supporting a proposal to review the books of its management company’s $40 million renovation. Read […]