2012 in Review: The Year in Pictures

Created with flickr slideshow. 2012 IN PICTURES: The Walton softball team comes together…Bronx Borough President smooches his wife after the State of the Borough address…local kids paint garbage cans in Willamsbridge Oval Park…local kids take in the show at the annual Jerome-Gun Hill BID street festival…Clinton and John F. Kennedy battle for local high school […]

Bronx BP Scraps Citywide Bid, Running for Re-Election

After exploring and raising significant funds to make a run at a citywide position, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. announced today that he has decided to scrap his bid for Public Advocate and seek re-election as borough president in 2013. Diaz explained his decision to supporters in an email, saying "the needs of the people of the Bronx are foremost on my mind and in my heart."

PS 340 Parents In Uproar Over Mid-Year Transfers

“The education system is going to the dogs,” said Elizabeth Thompson, a representative of the Kingsbridge Heights Neighborhood Improvement Association, at a meeting last week. Thompson, along with a slew of parents from PS 340, lobbied together last Thursday night at the Community Education Council 10 meeting to express their frustrations after being notifying by the school that some 20 students would be transferred midway through the semester to PS 310 due to capping.