Who’s Gained and Lost in the New Progressive Council Despite the Bronx political machine delaying their support of one of their own, City Council Speaker Melissa Mark Viverito (D-8th CD) still extended a hand of solidarity to several of her fellow Bronx political brethren by offering key roles in the City Council while leaving some […]

Blaze Destroys Three Homes in Fordham-Bedford

More than a dozen people were injured when a wind-whipped fire ripped through three homes along Valentine Avenue in the Fordham-Bedford neighborhood. According to officials, 13 firefighters and three civilians were injured after a four-alarm blaze erupted inside an abandoned wood-frame home at 2860 Valentine Ave., at just after 4:30 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 27.

Op-ed: Why NYPD Needs an Inspector General

In June of 2012, the City Council introduced a bill that would establish the office of Inspector General for the Police Department. The office would oversee the policies and practices of the NYPD and analyze the effect of those policies and practices on civil liberties, among other things. Mayor Bloomberg has expressed serious opposition to the bill, promising to veto the legislation and describing the creation of an Inspector General’s office as mere “politics” that tamper with public safety. The mayor could not be more wrong.