Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz, Jr. has asked for and received an extension on his deadline to submit a recommendation for the Kingsbridge Armory mall project, saying he first wants to see how the project's developer responds to a proposed Community Benefits Agreement (CBA).

The youth in the northwest Bronx have created their own forum, using art and spoken word, for talking about the issues they care about. This month it was the redevelopment of the Kingsbridge Armory.

As I get ready to go back to school, I like to look back on my summer vacation. I am proud to say that this summer I led hundreds of neighborhood youth in the Kingsbridge Armory Redevelopment Alliance's campaign to make sure that the redevelopment of the Armory serves the needs of our community.

What I Did on My Summer Vacation

As I get ready to go back to school, I like to look back on my summer vacation. I am proud to say that this summer I led hundreds of neighborhood youth in the Kingsbridge Armory Redevelopment Alliance's campaign to make sure that the redevelopment of the Armory serves the needs of our community.

Followed by a crowd of more than 500 people, including activists, politicians, union leaders, local clergy, new moms and a radical marching band, 16-year-old Adolfo Abreu wrapped yellow tape around the Kingsbridge Armory. The message from the northwest Bronx community was simple, clear and written in black letters on the yellow tape, both in English and Spanish: "It's Our Armory."

In the face of loud opposition from community groups, union leaders, business owners and local residents, the members of Community Board 7 voted to conditionally approve a developer's plans to turn the long-vacant Kingsbridge Armory into a giant shopping mall.

CB7 Okays Armory Mall With Strings

In the face of loud opposition from community groups, union leaders, business owners and local residents, the members of Community Board 7 voted to conditionally approve a developer's plans to turn the long-vacant Kingsbridge Armory into a giant shopping mall.