Bronx Community Board Sets Stage For Armory Talks

Community Board 7 voted unanimously last week to approve a draft of a community benefits package that will be used to negotiate an agreement with the development group that wins the bid to redevelop the Kingsbridge Armory. After drafting the package, the board will hand over negotiations the Kingsbridge Armory Redevelopment Alliance, a group pushing for responsible development of the iconic Bronx landmark.

Armory Market Plan Boosted by Community Rally Ice Out

Brian Boggan stood nervously in the press box outlined with tape on the side of the St. Nicholas of Tolentine School gym in University Heights. Boggan had come to a rally, organized by the grassroots Northwest Bronx Community and Clergy Coalition, with an opinion about plans for the long vacant Kingsbridge Armory. As a physical education teacher with a long history of ice skating, Boggan was ready to defend the Kingsbridge National Ice Centers’s bid to fill the empty armory with nine ice rinks.

Diaz and Others Throw Weight Behind Armory Ice Center Plan (Cabrera Still Undecided)

Last Thursday, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. and a handful of local officials came out in strong support of a proposal to turn the Kingsbridge Armory into a world-class ice sports center. The video above shows snippets from the new conference, which also featured the project's two most prominent supporters -- former NY Rangers star Mark Messier and gold medal winning figure skater Sarah Hughes. Lehman College President Ricardo Fernandez also attended to show his support.