Photo by Toby Norwood
A three-alarm fire in the Woodlawn section of the Bronx has injured one firefighter and destroyed two businesses according to the FDNY. Meanwhile, one of the business owners told the Norwood News that four families living in four, separate apartments, above the damaged businesses, have been displaced.
According to the FDNY, the fire was reported at 8.34 a.m. on Monday, Feb. 15, inside the basement of the Katonah Family Deli and Grocery, located at 4293 Katonah Avenue.
A fire department official said the fire extended to the first floor of the apartment building, and that 138 firefighters from 33 units responded to the incident. Members of the Yonkers Fire Department were seen in photos assisting with the blaze.
The fire was brought under control at 11.03 a.m. on the same day, with EMS reporting that one firefighter was injured and transported to Montefiore Medical Center. Paramedics reported treating one civilian at the scene, but the victim was not transported to hospital.

Photo by Toby Norwood
The Norwood News attempted to reach the Katonah Family Deli and Grocery for comment, but the telephone number was no longer working.
A second business, Precise Construction, located at 287 East 236th Street was also heavily damaged. An unidentified female employee who answered the phone at the business on Tuesday, Feb. 16, told the Norwood News, “Oh yeah. Well, our office was damaged, but I can’t really tell you too much because we don’t know much. There was a fire in our office, and everything was ruined.”
Asked if her company would rebuild, the woman responded, “I’m sure we will eventually, when they find out what’s going on with this building. Everything is wet and walls are pulled down and everything.”
The Norwood News asked about the status of the four families living in the three-story building who lived over the businesses. The woman said, “They were all evacuated. Thank God nobody was hurt. That was the main thing.” In response to a question about whether the families were still there or if they had been permanently evacuated, the woman said they were not there, as nobody was allowed back into the building.

Photo by Toby Norwood
The Norwood News reached out to The Red Cross of Greater New York to see if they had any information on the status of the families. A statement received from Mike de Vulpillières read, “Up until now, no one needed / requested our services. We remain available to help if anyone needs it.”
The Norwood News also made inquiries with the Emerald Pharmacy, located next door to the Katonah Family Deli, and we were informed that it suffered no damage as a result of the fire, and was open for business the following day.