NYC Department of Sanitation will be holding a public hearing on Wednesday, Nov. 3, 2021 at 10 a.m. on proposed new rules on petitions for rule making.
In accordance with the Citywide Administrative Procedure Act (“CAPA”), amendments to CAPA require that every City agency publishing a proposed rule, or an emergency rule, in the City Record, transmit that rule by e-mail to the following:
- the speaker of the City Council;
- the Office of Legislative Documents of the City Council;
- each member of the City Council;
- every community board;
- the news media and civic organizations.
What is DSNY proposing?
DSNY is proposing to amend its rules to include a section on petitions for rule making.
When and where is the hearing?
DSNY will hold a public hearing on the proposed rule, which will take place via webex on Wednesday, Nov. 3, 2021 at 10 a.m. eastern time for one hour. Use the following link to join:
Meeting number: 2633 787 7130
Password: 110321
Join by video system
Dial [email protected]
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
Join by phone
US Toll Access code: 263 378 77130
How do I comment on the proposed rules?
Anyone can comment on the proposed rules via the following options:
• Website
You can submit comments to the DSNY through the NYC rules Web site at:
You can email written comments to: [email protected].
You can mail written comments to DSNY, 125 Worth Street, Room 710, New York, NY 10013.
• Fax
You can fax written comments to: DSNY at 212-788-3876.
• Speaking at the hearing
Anyone who wants to comment on the proposed rule at the public hearing must sign up to speak. You can sign up before the hearing by emailing [email protected] by Nov. 1 at 5 p.m. While you will be given the opportunity during the hearing to indicate that you would like to provide comments, we prefer that you sign-up in advance. You can speak for up to three minutes.
Is there a deadline to submit comments?
The deadline for submitting written comments shall be Nov. 3, 2021.
What if I need assistance to participate in the hearing?
You must tell the Bureau of Legal Affairs if you need a reasonable accommodation of a disability at the hearing, and if you need a sign language interpreter. You can tell the bureau by mail at the address provided above. You may also tell the bureau by telephone at 646-885-4989.
Advance notice is requested to allow sufficient time to arrange the accommodation. Please tell DSNY by Oct. 27, 2021. This location has the following accessibility option(s) available: wheelchair and sign language interpretation.
Can I review the comments made on the proposed rules?
You can review the comments made online on the proposed rules by going to the website at A few days after the hearing, copies of all comments submitted online, copies of all written comments, and a summary of oral comments concerning the proposed rule will be available to the public at 125 Worth Street, Room 710, New York, NY 10013 and on DSNY’s website.

Image courtesy of DSNY
What authorizes DSNY to make this rule?
Section 1043(g) of the Administrative Code authorize DSNY to make this proposed rule.
Where can I find the DSNY’s rules?
DSNY’s rules are in Title 16 of the Rules of the City of New York.
What laws govern the rule making process?
DSNY must meet the requirements of Section 1043 of the City Charter when creating or changing rules. This notice is made according to the requirements of Section 1043 of the City Charter.
Click on the below link for more information about the proposed changes: