freelancer Daniela Beasley, editor-in-chief David Cruz, and freelance
photographer Adi Talwar stand with New York Press Club
president Steve Scott (2nd from right) as winners of the club’s firstever
Community Coverage category.
The Norwood News was honored June 5 by the New York Press Club in the first ever Community Coverage category. The paper was recognized for its series on efforts to stop overdevelopment in the neighborhood of Bedford Park amid an eviction proceeding that went awry for residents.
The award honored the paper’s editor-in-chief, David Cruz, along with former reporter Daniela Beasley, freelance reporter Deborah Cruz, and freelance photographer Adi Talwar for contributing to the series.
“We wish to thank Mosholu Preservation Corporation, publisher of the Norwood News, for supporting local community journalism for nearly 29 years,” David said. Ironically, it was David who lobbied the New York Press Club’s board of governors to consider creating the award, given the large number of small but incredibly relevant community journalism outlets across the city.
The New York Press Club is one of New York City’s oldest journalism clubs, with mediums from television, radio, print and the Internet well represented.
The award caps a gratifying awards season for the paper, which also took home prizes from the New York Press Association and Ippies, which include second place for Best Small Circulation Publication and Best In-Depth/Investigative story.
Some of the behind the scenes folks who helped make it happen include proofreader Judy Noy and layout designer Mauro DeLuca. MPC employee Dawn McEvoy and Montefiore Health System employees Melissa Cebollero, Jason Caraballo, Mariela Salazar and Jennifer Tausig are also to thank for the paper’s success over the last year.
“We’ve always been seen as the tiny little newspaper that could,” Cruz said. “Now we’re the little newspaper that did.”