Photo by Síle Moloney
Gas pipe replacement work is reportedly underway by a contracted entity of ConEd at the junction of Reservoir Place and Reservoir Oval West in Norwood. Trucks and construction workers were seen at the location on Wednesday, March 2.
When Norwood News asked the foreman for more information about the reason for the works, he said low pressure [piping] was being replaced with high pressure [piping] and that the street area will be opened up again each day at 4 p.m.
He added that the works are expected to last a few more days, and may extend to other nearby areas around Gun Hill Road.

Photo by Síle Moloney
Norwood News also reached out to ConEd for some more background information about the extent of the works, including whether new meter installations will also be required in the affected nearby housing or not.
We also asked if notices had been issued about street closures as at least one elderly resident living on Reservoir Place had complained in the past when other works caused the street to be blocked off, apparently without notice. He said access was needed especially for the elderly who needed to be driven / collected to attend medical appointments.
Jamie McShane, a spokesperson for ConEd, responded, saying, “This work is a part of our gas main replacement work in Norwood. Through our MRP [Construction LLC], we replace leak-prone pipe with more resilient materials, further improving system safety. The estimated time of completion for this project is May 15, 2022.”

Photo by Síle Moloney
As reported, ConEd recently responded to reports of recent increases in ConEd electricity bills by Bronxites and New Yorkers, generally, especially in the last month, including allegations that some electricity meters are not reading customers’ usage correctly.
Meanwhile, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY-14) provided the following recommendations to her constituents regarding what they could do to address recent increases in their electricity bills:
- Request a reading of your electric meter: you can request an investigation if you believe that more electricity consumption is being recorded than you think you are using. Call ConED at 1-800-752-6633.
- ConED Assistance Programs: visit www.conEd.com/PaymentPlans to view their payment program and other types of assistance.
- Apply for help paying your bill: the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) helps eligible families. Contact the HEAP Information Line at (800) 692.0557 with questions about the program, or (212) 331.3126 for help from an operator.