Invisalign Open House
Concerned Dental Care – Dr. Jay Fensterstock DDS will host an open house on Invisalign for teens and adults at 55 E. Mosholu Pkwy., N. on Friday, Oct. 9 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Doctors and staff will be on hand to speak about Invisalign, a clear and wireless alternative to braces. For more information, call Margie Rivera at (718) 652-7370, ext. 12, or visit
Relationships and Conflict Resolutions Seminar
The Life Skills Institute is offering a free seminar on Friday, Sept. 25 that will discuss conflict resolution and relationships. Dr. Lincoln Jailal will speak at the seminar, at The Bedford Park Congregational House, 3008 Bainbridge Ave. (at East 201st Street). For more information, call Norma DeJesus at (646) 316-9789 or Amy Lewis at (917) 597-8836.
Social Security Help
Congressman Eliot Engel’s Bronx office at 3655 Johnson Ave. will host representatives of the Social Security Administration on Wednesday, Sept. 30. Those with questions or issues concerning Social Security should call (718) 796-9700 to schedule an appointment which is required. For more information, visit
Community Resource Fair
The University Neighborhood Housing Program is providing free banking advice at the Northwest Bronx Community Resource Fair on Sunday, Oct. 4 from 12:30 to 3 p.m., preceded by a free lunch at noon, at Our Lady of Refuge Parish Center, located at 290 E. 196th St. Fair attendees can attend several financial workshops, and financial, legal and immigration experts at the fair will offer appointments for a brief private counseling session. For more information and to RSVP, call (718) 933-2539.
Classes at BRAC
The Bronx River Art Center’s after-school and Saturday art program for ages 9 to 18 starts Oct. 5. Registration is open from Sept. 26 to Oct. 3. Classes include fine art such as painting and drawing, ceramics and cartooning, as well as digital media such as videography and digital photography. For more information, visit or contact Gail Nathan at (718) 589-5819 ext. 11 or [email protected].
Volunteer at VC Park
Volunteer at Van Cortlandt Park on Saturday, Sept. 26 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Projects include tree plantings and plant removal. Bring a snack and a drink. Volunteers will receive giveaways. For more information, call (718) 601-1553 or visit
Free Mammograms
The Mobile Mammography Van offers free mammograms to women over age 40 who have not had one in the last 12 months. The van will be at MS 80, 149 E. Mosholu Pkwy. on Wednesday, Oct. 14. Call (718) 405-6300 ext. 1131 to make an appointment.
Volunteer at the Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden’s Explainer program is holding an open house for volunteer students ages 13 to 17 on Sunday, Sept. 27, from 2 to 4 p.m. Through the program, teens learn about plants, nature and people, and volunteer at the Everett Children’s Adventure Garden. For more information, call (718) 817-8079 or visit
HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
The Montefiore Medical Center’s AIDS Center and The Bronx HIV CARE Network will host their annual Latino HIV/AIDS Awareness Day on Friday, Oct. 9 in the Cherkasky Auditorium at 111 E. 210th St. from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. with a panel discussion from noon to 1 p.m. Educational materials on HIV prevention, blood pressure screenings, and free HIV testing will all be available. Also featured will be entertainment, guest speakers, and free raffle drawings. For more information, call Selma Torres at (718) 231-3296, ext. 23.
English Help
The Mosholu Library at 285 E. 205th St. is hosting free English conversation classes for foreign language speaking adults (ages 16 and over). Participants will talk to native English speakers about a variety of subjects. Registration and language testing begins on Tuesday, Sept. 29 at 6:30 p.m. and classes will meet on Tuesdays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. starting on Oct. 6. For more information, call (212) 340-0918.
Mothers Guild Reunion
The Mothers Guild of Our Lady of Refuge at 290 E. 196th St. is planning a reunion on Sunday, Oct. 18. Mass will be held at 12:30 p.m. followed by lunch in the Parish Center. For more information, call Bernadette Groarke at (914) 237-6928 or Joan Cintron at (718) 548-2493.
Volunteers Sought
New York Cares, a volunteer organization that organizes hundreds of volunteer projects, is seeking new volunteers in the Bronx. Volunteers must attend a one-time orientation on Sept. 26 from 11 a.m. to noon, to be held at the Bronx Library Center, 310 E. Kingsbridge Rd. To register or for additional orientation dates, visit, or call (212) 228-5000. After completing the orientation, volunteers will be able to participate in a variety of community service projects throughout the Bronx.
Bedford Park Flea Market
The Bedford Park Congregational Church will host its Annual Fun Fair and Flea Market at 201st Street and Bainsbridge Avenue on Oct. 24 from 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. For more information, contact Reverend Dr. Christopher Ponnuraj at (718) 367-8996.
Lane Closures
The University Heights/W.207 St. Bridge will require temporary lane closures from 11 p.m. to 5 a.m. until Sept. 30. Construction will occur on the bridge between these hours. During construction, one lane will be available for traffic. During non-working hours all travel lanes are re-opened to traffic.
Child Care Workshops
The Jewish Child Care Association at 555Bergen Ave. will host a number of workshops beginning in November and ending in June of next year. For information about classes and dates call (212) 558-9930 or visit
Free Trees in September
Everyone from New York who becomes a member of the Arbor Day Foundation in September will receive ten free trees as part of the Foundation’s “Trees for America” campaign. To receive the ten free trees, send a $10 membership contribution to Ten Trees, Arbor Day Foundation, 100 Arbor Ave., Nebraska City, NE 68410, by September 30, 2009, or join online at
Program Registration at Montefiore Community Center
Registrations for fall programs at the Mosholu Montefiore Community Center at 3450 DeKalb Ave. have begun. The center is offering many different programs from services like childcare to children and adult classes ranging from flag football to belly dancing. Test preparation courses are also being offered. For more information including a complete program brochure, call the Center weekdays at (718) 882-4000 or visit
Foster Parents Needed
The Foster Care Network is reaching out to potential foster parents in the Bronx. Hundreds of foster children in the area need loving and caring families to make a difference in their lives. Foster parents receive tax-free financial assistance for the expenses of each child, free training, and Foster Parent certification. For more information, call (800) 454-3727 or visit
New IRS YouTube Channel
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has launched a series of videos on YouTube and podcasts on iTunes to help taxpayers take advantage of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Visit to view videos with tax tips and tips for how to utilize the Act’s provisions. Videos will be presented in English, Spanish and other languages. Audio footage with IRS tips will be available via podcast at iTunes, or on’s Multimedia Center for those without an iTunes account.
NMCIR Immigration Assistance
The Northern Manhattan Coalition for Immigrant Rights is offering immigration assistance to Bronxites. There is assistance with U.S. Citizenship, family petitions, and travel permits. It is offered at Refuge House, 2715 Bainbridge Ave., Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information, call (718) 484-8294 or email [email protected].
Bet For Pets
United Action for Animals will host their inaugural bet for pets casino night on Oct. 1 at 289 10th Ave. from 6:30 to 10:00 p.m. Tickets are $100 and include drinks, hors d’oeuvres, gambling, free ‘snip chips’, silent auction and raffle prizes. To buy tickets in advance visit
Yoga and Cooking Classes
The South Bronx Food Cooperative is offering two courses: Beginners yoga classes on Thursdays at 6:30 p.m., Saturdays at 11 a.m. and classes en español Tuesdays at 3 p.m. (with a suggested donation of $10; bring your own mat or one can be provided).; and free cooking classes on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. Classes will be held at the South Bronx Food Cooperative, 3103 Third Ave. at 158th Street. For more information or to RSVP, call (718) 401-3500 or email [email protected].
Donate Backpacks to Homeless Kids
Bronx BP Ruben Diaz, Jr. is encouraging Bronx residents to donate backpacks and school supplies to “Operation Backpack” before the start of the new school year. “Operation Backpack” provides homeless children and students in New York City with backpacks and school supplies to help them succeed in school. To contribute, drop off a new backpack at the Bronx BP office at 851 Grand Concourse, Room 209. To find out more information about Operation Backpack or to make a donation, visit
Scouting for Girl Scouts
Girls from 5 to 17 years old looking to serve the Bronx community, make friends and learn life skills are encouraged to join the Girl Scouts of the Bronx. For more information about joining a Girl Scout troop, visit or email [email protected].
Free Medicine Programs for Cancer Patients
The Complimentary Medicine Program at Albert Einstein Cancer Center is offering two free research programs for patients with cancer. The Yoga-Based Cancer Rehabilitation Program includes 12 weeks of yoga to see if yoga can help patients with breast, lung, and colorectal cancer. A certified yoga instructor teaches classes in both English and Spanish. The Mind-Body Cancer Program includes 8 weeks of Mind-Body groups (The Stress Management Education Group and the Spiritual Support Group) for patients with most types of cancer. Some restrictions apply to these groups, which have been specifically designed by a psychologist and an oncologist. For more information and to find out eligibility, call (718) 430-2380.
Breast Oncology Program
The Breast Oncology Living Daily Program also known as BOLD living offers a variety of free educational, support, and mind-body workshops. They are designed to empower and nurture breast cancer patients, survivors, and loved ones, but are open to all. For more information or to register, call (718) 430-3613 or email [email protected].
Volunteer at North Bronx Healthcare
The North Bronx Healthcare Network is seeking volunteers for the Sexual Assault Treatment Program run at North Central Bronx Hospital, Jacobi Medical Center, and Lincoln Medical Center. Those interested should be willing to volunteer twice a month and commit to serving the program for one year. For more information, call (718) 519-4788.
Farmers Market at Botanical Garden
There will be an all day Wednesday and Saturday Farmers Market at the Botanical Garden through Nov. 14. The Wednesday market will be held near Tulip Tree Allee and the Saturday market will be across the street from the Garden’s Mosholu Gate entrance. Vendors from New York’s Hudson Valley region and beyond offer a variety of home grown products, meats and home baked goods. For more information, visit or call (718) 362-9561 and press 403#.
MTA’s Trip Planner Voice
Trip Planner Voice is a telephone service that allows customers to access bus and subway travel itinerary information via telephone 24/7 without the need to wait to speak to an agent. Trip Planner provides customers with the best and most accurate directions, fare information, walking distances and scheduled connections to and from other transit modes and transfers. For more information, and to learn how to get mobile access, visit
Aid for Veterans and Their Families
The Warriors Family Assistance Program, launched by the American Legion Auxiliary, comes to the direct aid of veterans and their families in New York State. Veterans and their families can apply for up to $1,500 in aid in maintenance grants, medical grants and employment opportunities. Any veteran who has served honorably within the last four years, or is currently serving in one of the Armed Forces, and is a NYS resident, is eligible to apply. All grants are non-repayable. For an application or more information, call (800) 421-6348.
Free Career Information Seminars
Lehman College Office of Continuing Education is holding free career information seminars for its non-credit certificate programs. For dates, times and locations of seminars, please call (718) 960-8512 or visit
Computer Classes at Williamsbridge Oval
The Williamsbridge Oval Recreation Center, 3225 Reservoir Oval E., is holding computer classes on Thursdays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Learn how to use the internet and MS Office software. For more information, contact Albert Davis or Tuwanda Ruffin at (718) 654-1851.
Free Prescription $aver Card
The NY State Health Department is accepting applications for the free New York Prescription $aver Card. The program offers discounts on thousands of prescription medications. It will serve low-income New Yorkers who are disabled or between the ages of 50 and 64. To be eligible, income for single individuals must be $35,000 or less, and $50,000 or less for married individuals. Medicaid and EPIC recipients are not eligible for the Prescription $aver Card. To learn more or apply, visit or call (800) 788-6917. (TTY users should call (800) 290-9138.) Applications are also available at pharmacies.
School Salon Reopens
The School of Professional Beauty Care at Grace Dodge Career and Technical High School, 2474 Crotona Ave., has reopened The New Image Salon to the public. It’s open every Thursday afternoon from 2:45 to 5:30 p.m., offering a wide variety of salon services at reasonable prices. Prices range from $5 to $25. Graduating seniors in the school’s cosmetology program staff the salon, with a licensed cosmetologist on duty. For more information, call (718) 584-2700 ext. 5084.
Couples Needed for Research Study
Doctors at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Montefiore Medical Center are looking for healthy couples between the ages of 22 and 50, and in a monogamous relationship for at least six months, to participate in a research study. The study will test a vaginal gel and the couple will be screened for sexually transmitted infections. Females will have a gynecologic exam and vaginal fluid collected and males will have a genital exam. Female volunteers will have four visits and be reimbursed $60 per visit, and males volunteers will have three visits and will be reimbursed $40 per visit. Females must be using hormonal contraception. All visits will take place at the Albert Einstein General Clinical Research Center. For more information, call Julie at (718) 430-3253 or email [email protected].
English, Citizenship and Computer Classes
-MS 80 at 149 E. Mosholu Pkwy N., is offering English as a Second Language (ESL) and General Equivalency Diploma (GED) classes. For those interested, or if you have any questions, call Mrs. Alejandro at (718) 405-6300 ext. 1131.
-St. James Recreation Center at 2530 Jerome Ave. offers free classes in Microsoft Office, Resume/Cover Letter Writing, Computer Basics, and much more. For more information, call Justin Young at (718) 367-3659.
-Fordham University, 557 E. Fordham Rd., is currently holding free computer and English Language classes for parents, Mondays through Thursdays and on Saturdays. Classes can either stand alone or as an 8- to 12-week series. For more information or to register, call (718) 817-3503.
Senior Employment
The American Association of Retired Person (AARP) and the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) are assisting low-income Bronx residents, 55 and older, to receive employment through their outreach, training, and internship programs. For more information, call AARP located at 384 E. 149th St., Ste. 608 at (718) 585-2500.
MS 80 Needs Love
MS 80 is asking parents and community members to show some love and volunteer for just an hour each week. The school needs mentors, math and reading tutors, part-time coaches and volunteers to help with cafeteria duty. For more information, call Ms. Alejandro (718) 405-6300 ext. 111.
MMCC Grade School & Teen Programs at Tracey Towers
The Mosholu Montefiore Community Center is accepting registration for their free after school program at Tracey Towers, 40 W. Mosholu Pkwy. The program meets Monday through Friday from 3 to 6 p.m. and is open to children in the third through sixth grades. From 6:30 to 9 p.m., the free Teen Center is open for youth ages 12 to 18. Programs include homework help, computers, arts and crafts, sports, acting, and quiet games. To register, stop by the Youth Community Room on the second floor of Tracey Towers and speak to Antoine Fields, or call him at (917) 482-5039.
Self Defense Classes
The Mosholu Montefiore Community Center still has space in its boxing, karate, and self-defense classes for children, teens, and adults. To register or find out class times, call (718) 882-4000 ext. 0, or stop by the center at 3450 DeKalb Ave.
Free Meditation for Breast Cancer Survivors
The Montefiore-Einstein Cancer Center is offering a free 20-week course on meditation and stress management for breast cancer survivors. The course is part of a research study. To register or learn more, call Kimala Harris at (718) 430-2380 or e-mail [email protected].
Place for Teens With Issues
The Power Project is a free program for teens ages 12 to 18 who are dealing with substance abuse and other problems. Located at 3464 Webster Ave., Power Project provides case management, individual and group counseling, trips, and is just a place to get away from it all. For more information, call (718) 515-7971.
Wii Games for Adults and Seniors
On Tuesdays and Thursdays at 4 p.m., adults and seniors can enjoy free Wii video games at the Mosholu Library, 285 E. 205th St. To sign up, go to the Adult Information Desk. For more information, call (718) 882-8239.
Free Parking Calendars
Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz is offering free New York City Parking Calendars to community residents. To receive one, send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to his office at 3107 Kingsbridge Ave., Bronx, NY 10463, or stop by the office in person.
Free Career Workshops
The State University of New York, located at 3950 Laconia Ave., is offering free career workshops, including job readiness training, resume and cover letter preparation, help with job searches and computer skills, job placement assistance, an Office Skills Certificate Program, college prep and more. For more information, call (718) 547-1001 or visit
After School Care
The Mosholu Montefiore Community Center, 3450 DeKalb Ave., provides after school care for children in elementary school. Children are transported from their schools in Norwood, Bedford Park, Williamsbridge and Van Cortlandt Village. The center provides a snack, help with homework, and an array of activities to keep children busy. Financial aid is available. For more information, call Ruth Moore, program registrar, at (718) 882-4000.
Schizophrenia Study Seeks Participants
A research study seeking new treatments for schizophrenia is looking for patients in the Bronx. Candidates must be 18 to 65 years old, diagnosed with schizophrenia at or before age 35 and currently on certain medications for schizophrenia. Patients can enroll through the first half of 2009. For more information, call (888) 988-6736 or go to
Job Opportunities
On Dec. 1, Mayor Bloomberg announced the expansion of free job placement services through New York City’s Workforce1 Career Centers. The centers provide personalized career counseling, interview training, resume/cover letter assistance, workshops and ESL classes. For more information, call the Bronx Workforce1 Center, 358 E. 149th St., (718) 960-7099.
Quality of Life Screening
The Psychosocial Oncology Program of the Montefiore-Einstein Cancer Center is conducting a survey study in order to learn about the physical and emotional stresses faced by cancer survivors. Participants will have to fill out questionnaires and have the opportunity to participate in free/low-cost programs and support services within the program. For more information, call (718) 430-2380.
Alzheimer’s Support Group
The Alzheimer’s Association’s New York City chapter provides a support group in Norwood for Spanish and English speaking caregivers who have relatives with Alzheimer’s disease or another type of dementia. The support group meets on the first and third Wednesdays of the month from 5 to 6:15 p.m. For the location or more information, call Mark Goodwin at (718) 920-7377.
Free Respite Program
Kingsbridge Heights Community Center (KHCC) is offering free after-school services to families with mentally retarded or developmentally disabled children ages 5 to 21 from 3 to 6 p.m. KHCC is also offering a Saturday Respite Program for ages 15 to 25, and on Sundays another Respite Program is provided for ages 18 to 65. Weekend Respite Program hours are from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. They are held at the KHCC, 3101 Kingsbridge Terrace (near Sedgwick Avenue) at West 230th Street. To register or for more information, call Hanna Gabris at (718) 884-0700 ext. 202.
Speech Program at Ursula
The Mt. St. Ursula Speech Center, 2885 Marion Ave., is now accepting applications for its fall program. The center has openings for children ages 2 to 5 who are in need of speech and language services. Medicaid and other insurances accepted. For more information, call (718) 584-7679.
Aphasia Clinic Accepting Clients
The Lehman College Speech and Hearing Center, which provides therapy on a sliding scale payment schedule, is now accepting new clients in its recently expanded aphasia clinic. The clinic will provide individual and group therapy sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays from noon to 1 p.m. and 2 to 3 p.m.; group therapy sessions also take place on Tuesdays from 1 to 2 p.m. Diagnostic and therapeutic sessions will be supervised by faculty members who are licensed by the NYS Department of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology and certified by ASHA (American Speech Language Hearing Association). For more information, call Wanda Adams at (718) 960-8138.
Adult ESL Level 1and 2 Classes
Beginning September 2009 through June 2010, P.S. 94x will be offering Level 1 and 2 ESL classes on Tuesday and Thursdays from 5:30pm to 8:30pm. For more information, contact Ms. Seminario, at (347) 563-4772 or (718) 405- 6345. You can also come to room 201 for more information and for sign up.
Job Fair
Monroe College is hosting a part-time job fair at the Radisson Hotel in New Rochelle, New York, on October 1 from 4 to 6 p.m. There will be no charge for employers interested in hiring at the fair. Employers should call 914-740-6480 to RSVP.