Heating Assistance Available
This winter, the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) offers eligible households of low-income and elderly New Yorkers to receive a one-time benefit of up to $625 depending on income, household size, and heating source. Households may begin applying for assistance Nov. 16. Applications for emergency benefits for those in danger of losing heat will be accepted starting Jan. 4, 2016. For more information and requirements, go to http://otda.ny.gov/programs/heap.
Yankee Leadership Awards
Applications are available for the Youth Leadership Awards. Nominees are expected to perform 50 hours of leadership/volunteer services as a tutor, mentor, community unity developer, and/or as an advocate against violence in the community. Submit applications by Nov. 20 to New York Yankees Community Council, Attn: Brian Smith, Senior Vice President, Corporate/Community Relations, Yankee Stadium, One East 161st Street, Bronx, NY 10451. For more information, email [email protected].
Norwood Terrace Applications
Applications are available for affordable housing for low-income individuals wanting to secure housing at 3349 Webster Ave. Apply online or through mail. Deadline is Nov. 30. To apply online, go to www.nyc.gov/housingconnect. To request an application by mail, send a self-addressed stamped envelope to Norwood Terrace Apartments, 1357 Broadway, Box 309, New York, NY 10018. Send only one application per development. Do not submit duplicate applications. Do not apply online and also send in a paper application. Applicants who submit more than one application may be disqualified.
Bainbridge Ave. Garden Seeks Donations
The Bainbridge Avenue Garden, sponsor of the Norwood Food Co-op, is accepting donations to help fix a falling stone wall in their garden. The cost of the repairs is estimated to be $2,500, and $1,250 is still needed. Make your checks or money orders payable to Bainbridge Avenue Garden and mail to: Janice Flood, 365 E. 209th Street, Apt. 1C, Bronx, NY 10467. All are invited to see the garden in the spring.
Snow Laborers
Early registration has begun for part-time emergency laborers for the upcoming snow season. Pay is $13.50 per hour, and $20.25 per hour after 40 hours are worked in a week. To register, visit the Bronx yard at Mosholu Avenue and Broadway in Van Cortlandt Park, Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Applicants must be at least age 18, bring two small photos (1 ½ square), or original and copy of two forms of ID and a Social Security Card.
CHAM’S Lending Library
The Children’s Hospital at Montefiore (CHAM), 3415 Bainbridge Ave. (off Gun Hill Road), offers books for lending for all ages at the Family Learning Place located on their first floor lobby. The public is invited to browse and borrow books for one week, with the possibility of renewal. Book donations are welcome. For more information, call (718) 741-2357 or email the Family Learning Place at [email protected].
Immigration/Legal Services
Immigration and legal services are available at the Office of Councilman Fernando Cabrera, 107 E. Burnside Ave., Thursdays and Fridays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. A housing lawyer is available every other Monday. Appointments are required. To schedule one, call (347) 590-2875.
Photo Club/Meet-up
The New York Botanical/ Zoological Photographic Society meets Saturday mornings at 9:45 a.m., through June, at the Fordham Preparatory School, Room 243 on the Fordham University Rose Hill Campus, 441 E. Fordham Rd. Photographers can improve their skills, show their work, receive instruction, and attend workshops, photo shoots, and competitions. Admission is free. For more information, call (718)-543-3115.
CPPO Meetings
The Community Peace Patrol Officers (CPPO), a volunteer-based group that helps keep communities safe, holds monthly meetings the last Friday of each month from 6 to 8 p.m. at 2006 Westchester Ave. Recruits are sought. For more information, call (718) 822-5555 or email [email protected].