
Morris Park Realtor to Challenge Naomi Rivera

Mark Gjonaj, who owns a real estate business in Morris Park, announced yesterday that he plans to run for the Bronx 80th Assembly District, the seat currently held by Assemblywoman Naomi Rivera, which includes Mosholou Parkway, Pelham Gardens, Pelham Parkway, Allerton and Morris Park.

“In life, we have choices,” Gjonaj said in a phone interview today. “We either accept things for the way they are, or we get involved and make the changes that we feel are necessary.”

The potential candidate announced his plans to run yesterday, at the site of his new campaign headquarters on Barnes Avenue in Morris Park. He said hundreds of people turned out for the announcement, in spite of the bad weather.

“It was humbling for me to see so many people not only show up, but stay there during that rain,” Gjonaj said. “I can’t find the words to express my gratitude to those individuals.”

Gjonaj, who is Albanian, was born at the now-defunct Fordham Hospital and raised in the Belmont area, on Arthur Avenue, and in Pelham Parkway. The father of two sons, aged 10 and 12, He now lives on City Island (during redistricting years, state election law allows candidates to run for office in districts outside the one in which they reside, as long as it’s within the same county).

But Gjonaj’s real estate business is based in Morris Park, and he says he has strong ties to the communities that make up the 80th Assembly District.

“I know and I’ve heard and I’ve seen the needs of this community,” he said. If elected, his top priorities would be to bring more jobs to the area and address unemployment, provide more support for local organizations and nonprofits, and focus on quality of life issues.

“I had a career. I wasn’t looking for a job or salary, but I was compelled to do this. I feel this community has not been properly represented in Albany,” Gjonaj said.

If his candidacy becomes official (those vying for state office have until July to collect signatures to get their names on the primary ballot in September), Gjonaj would be up against Assemblywoman Naomi Rivera, who was elected in 2004. She is the daughter of Assemblyman Jose Rivera, and sister to City Council Member Joel Rivera.

Rivera had a challenger in the last election in 2010, when former Obama operative Robert Giuffre, then 27, ran against her and lost.

Welcome to the Norwood News, a bi-weekly community newspaper that primarily serves the northwest Bronx communities of Norwood, Bedford Park, Fordham and University Heights. Through our Breaking Bronx blog, we focus on news and information for those neighborhoods, but aim to cover as much Bronx-related news as possible. Founded in 1988 by Mosholu Preservation Corporation, a not-for-profit affiliate of Montefiore Medical Center, the Norwood News began as a monthly and grew to a bi-weekly in 1994. In September 2003 the paper expanded to cover University Heights and now covers all the neighborhoods of Community District 7. The Norwood News exists to foster communication among citizens and organizations and to be a tool for neighborhood development efforts. The Norwood News runs the Bronx Youth Journalism Heard, a journalism training program for Bronx high school students. As you navigate this website, please let us know if you discover any glitches or if you have any suggestions. We’d love to hear from you. You can send e-mails to [email protected] or call us anytime (718) 324-4998.

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23 thoughts on “Morris Park Realtor to Challenge Naomi Rivera

  1. Jay Shuffield

    I don’t know what Mr. Gjonaj’s buildings are like in Morris Park. Nor do I know about his civic involvement over there.

    But on my block, one of his buildings is a public nuisance, and we have been unable to get in touch with anybody from his company to discuss the effects the mismanagement of the building is having on our community.

  2. Chris Jardin

    Great Article – it really serves as an introduction to this candidate. I was fortunate enough to attend his announcement for candidacy; the neighborhood was quite a buzz amidst the rain.

    I happen to “Google” a few articles on the event as I did see lots of press. I have been a little disturbed with some of the comments posted.

    The comments associated with this article did bother me more then some others.

    I have been a tenant, in one of Mark Gjonaj buildings for over 10 years and the Mark Gjonaj I know does not put up with “Public Nuisances”.

    Anytime I have hand any concern, Mark Gjonaj has kept the lines of communication open and has always returned my calls or sent the super to my apartment to address my problems.

    I have attended community events at my building structured at improving the beach area adjacent my building, where many neighbors including Mark and his family have participated in.

    I am just a tenant and do not have a vested interest in his success, I just do not like to see people complain to the public when they have not actually spoken to the person they are complaining about.

    Gjonaj is a very popular name in Albania and the Bronx – many are related but some are not – are you sure that this Mark Gjonaj is the owner of the building you have an issue with.

    I invite you to call his office right now and judge for your self his commitment to bettering our community, and addressing your concerns about properties in your neighborhood. Just call Mark Gjonaj 718-597-1600.

    Chris Jardin

  3. Lis von Uhl

    Thanks, Chris. I do know the building Jay is speaking of… it is a public disgrace — with its noise and garbage outside on the sidewalk. I have sent letters and have gotten no reply.

    I will definitely call his office. If his offices are receptive, I will definitely be grateful and take him seriously as a candidate who can help better my community.

  4. Jay Shuffield

    Thanks Chris.

    I double-checked, and the building (3283 Decatur Avenue) is owned by a different Gjonaj, and I do not find any connection between them and Mark Gjonaj (other than living in Belmont around the same time). I very well might have been wrong about there being any connection with Mark Gjonaj. I apologize if Mark is unaffiliated with this property.

    This is likely to be a common mistake, though, with buildings labeled with the Gjonaj name and Mark identifying himself as part of a real estate family in The Bronx. He may have his work cut out distinguishing himself from bad landlords in our area, who may not be connected with him.

    As I mentioned in my original post, we have tried reaching somebody responsible for this building, but have been unable to make contact. Perhaps Mark Gjonaj can step forward as a civic leader (as well as a businessman interested in protecting his good name) and apply whatever pressure he might have through his ties in the business world and the Albanian community to help get these other landlords to improve their act.

  5. Melissa Bellisario

    I worked with Mark almost 3 years. He has always been a strong minded and outspoken individual. I always pictured him running for a position such as this and know he will do more than GREAT! During my tim there I remember anytime a client called in with a complaint it was addressed right away. He cares about the community in which he serves is a person who gets things done and would be a great asset and better change for the community so go out everyone and VOTE!!!

  6. Italian Princess from Morris Park

    I would like to mention how proud I am being able to say that I’m from the Bronx and still live here now. Over the year’s the Bronx has had its share of misfortunes like any other large city has had….It’s nice to see how everyone has gotten together over the years to make a bad thing a better place…So when I hear someone who has no experience nor ambition in politics wants to become a politician, it makes me wonder if there is an ulterior motive.

  7. Italian Princess from Morris Park

    It makes me wonder why someone with no political ambition or experience nor background would want to become an elected official….Could it be for those special perks? Could it be for doing and getting away with things that your typical person would go to jail for? Or could it be for just plain caring about people? hmmmm I wonder….

  8. Italian Princess from Morris Park

    One of the things that concerns me is how the Politicians never question the busing situation in our public schools. How can children who live across the street from a particular school have to wait for a bus and be bussed across the other side of town. With the amount of money this cost no wonder the DOE is having such financial problems…. What do these Politicians really do all day….

  9. Italian Princess from Morris Park

    do “Politicians become Crimminals” or do “Crimminals become Politicians”??????

  10. Italian Princess from Morris Park

    Let’s pray that the one we choose to work for us, will work hard to better the quality of our lives and make the Bronx a better place..

  11. Unknown

    Demons that have no shame, Seven are they! Knowing no care…..Knowing no mercy….They rage against mankind: They spill their blood like rain,Devouring their flesh (and) sucking their veins. Where the images of gods are, there they quake…They are demons full of violence…Ceaselessly devouring blood…Invoke the ban against them, that they no more return to this neighborhood….

  12. Italian Princess from Morris Park

    Don’t be fooled by people who say “do as I say and not as I do”……

  13. Italian Princess from Morris Park

    Don’t talk, just act, Don’t say, just show, Don’t promise, just prove….

  14. Italian Princess from Morris Park

    Is it true that this Assemblymen elect has placed a person who was ACCUSED of smuggling drugs from Albania into the United States to be the Director of the Albanian Senior program which is located in the Bronx House on Pelham Pkwy where many of our children from the community attend…. doesn’t the Bronx House do a criminal background check on the people that work there…

  15. Italian Princess from Morris Park

    The HIEROPHANT is a DECEIVER who calls others to the presence of holiness…like a pope…He lives for your obedience and controls you through many rules of society, business and relationships…

  16. KrAk KiLLs

    I once saw a warlock climb up my neighbors flagpole in the midst of the night to take down the flag. OMG scariest thing me and my mother ever saw!!!

  17. Italian Princess

    “Abe Lincoln, the Vampire Hunter” comes out in movie theaters on June 22nd.

    Will we be living in a nation/world of MEN or MONSTERS….

    Only the LIVING can KILL the DEAD…..


  18. Italian Gurl

    Scariest thing I ever experienced..hmmm….. maybe it was the dream I had three years ago of my father telling me speaking in Italian that the Albanian boys he caught when they broke into my basement over 30 years ago, was the very man I was working for in Morris Park. Was that over 30 years ago I moved to this neighborhood and when I was 19 years old three Albanian boys broke into my basement and was rummaging through draws and stuff, it was a basement so nothing but clutter was down there….During that time my father caught them and then let them go once the cops called their parents to come get them….they were just little boys (my father had said they were Good Boys..) I was 19 they were 12. Scariest thing ever was to find out that I was working for him…….that’s some scary shit….

  19. Irene

    Irene Estrada Rukaj
    is inviting the press for a conference in front of Liberty Income tax office which is used by Naomi Rivera for campaigning. The purpose of the press release is the people in the 80th District people need to know not to lose faith in our government. That Irene is the other candidate running for her seat and the privilege of serving the 80th district for over 30 years and will continue to fight for our issues and needs.

    Press Conference:

    Respect our 80th District and enough of Naomi’s drama and lets get to the real issues and concerns of the people! What Naomi does is not a reflection of our great families and communities in our district. Join me tomorrow morning and declare our new start to a greater 80th !

    Date: Aug 23, 2012
    Time: 11:00 a.m.
    Place: Corner of Allerton Avenue and Holland Avenue

    Contact: The Next 80th State Assembly woman Irene Estrada Rukaj

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