
MMCC Takes Over PS 86 Youth Center

The Mosholu Montefiore Community Center (MMCC) will add a new school to its roster of Beacon Youth Centers when it begins operating the after-school program at PS 86 this fall.

In addition to PS 8 in Bedford Park, MS 113 in Williamsbridge, and MS 142 in Seton Falls, MMCC will take over programs at PS 86, located at 2756 Reservoir Ave. near the Kingsbridge Armory. With this new contract, MMCC will operate the most Beacons in the city, along with the Police Athletic League (PAL), which also has four Beacons, said MMCC Executive Director Don Bluestone.

The Beacon centers first appeared in 1991 as part of the city’s Safe Streets, Safe City anti-crime campaign. The school-based community centers serve children, youth and adults. Eight years ago, MCCC was awarded its first Beacon by the Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD) and started programs at MS 80, which moved to the PS 8 site last fall.

Now DYCD has renewed funding for MMCC programs at all three locations, while assigning an additional Beacon, which Bluestone sees as a symbol of trust and appreciation of the Norwood community center’s continued service to thousands of Bronx youth.

The Beacon is also a product of the strong ties MMCC has built with neighboring schools like PS 86, according to Bluestone.

"We have done so many programs there," said Bluestone of MMCC’s initiatives including summer recreational programs in conjunction with the Summer Youth Employment Program.

The Beacon at PS 86 is currently operated by Aspira, a national non-profit dedicated to Latino education and leadership development, according to DYCD spokesman Ryan Dodge. The non-profit organization offers services such as academic support, leadership development, and recreational and arts activities such as football, martial arts and dance.

"In May 2006, DYCD began a comprehensive analysis of the Beacon program in preparation for new programs to begin in fiscal year 2008.  Programs will now incorporate a focus on middle school youth, who often need extra help overcoming social and academic challenges," said Dodge.

When DYCD called for Beacon proposals in February for the coming school year, the city agency evaluated qualifying proposals and chose MMCC to oversee the PS 86 Beacon.

"I think we’re more connected to the community and we reach more students," Bluestone said.

MMCC will take over the Beacon on Sept. 1. The program is scheduled to be supported by DYCD funding through Aug. 31, 2010.

"DYCD will work closely with MMCC and Aspira to ensure an orderly transition of services," Dodge said.

Bluestone has already begun meeting with principals at nearby PS 360 and the Walton High School campus and hopes to provide services for their students at the PS 86 Beacon. At the new location, MMCC will host after-school, adult education and youth programs. The center will join with Tolentine Zeiser Community Center to create immigrant programs, and partner with the Kingsbridge Heights Community Center to develop counseling and teen-centered groups.

Bluestone welcomes the added responsibility. "Having four Beacons will help us coordinate programs even better," he said.

Welcome to the Norwood News, a bi-weekly community newspaper that primarily serves the northwest Bronx communities of Norwood, Bedford Park, Fordham and University Heights. Through our Breaking Bronx blog, we focus on news and information for those neighborhoods, but aim to cover as much Bronx-related news as possible. Founded in 1988 by Mosholu Preservation Corporation, a not-for-profit affiliate of Montefiore Medical Center, the Norwood News began as a monthly and grew to a bi-weekly in 1994. In September 2003 the paper expanded to cover University Heights and now covers all the neighborhoods of Community District 7. The Norwood News exists to foster communication among citizens and organizations and to be a tool for neighborhood development efforts. The Norwood News runs the Bronx Youth Journalism Heard, a journalism training program for Bronx high school students. As you navigate this website, please let us know if you discover any glitches or if you have any suggestions. We’d love to hear from you. You can send e-mails to or call us anytime (718) 324-4998.

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