Photo courtesy Michael Appleton
Next week the annual City Hall in Your Borough: Resource Fair will be coming to the Bronx, and several high level officials from all New York City agencies will be attending. This will allow residents to speak with these city officials, and voice concerns.
Representatives from the city’s Transportation, Finance, Police, Education, Health, and Parks Department will be on hand. They’ll also be joined by employees from the New York City Economic Development Corporation and City Hall.
The event is slated from Jan. 29 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. It will be taking place at the Latino Pastoral Action Center, located at 14 W. 170th St.
Mayor Bill de Blasio and Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. will be on hand. It’s part of the weeklong series of events happening around the Bronx.
Editor’s Note: To sign up, go to www.nyc.gov/CHIYB-TheBronx or call (212) 788-1412.
More bullshit Dave,..
deblaz campaign for president on Ower dime…!
Bull…. Dave…
dablaz only thinks of himself…
Campaigning again..
For Pres. Votes…
Drive around HIGHBRIDGE and see all pot holes and even a sink hole. He came to BX 3 times last year. A wasted BX time.
Now don’t bother sending crap toy email.
I attended the event and had the opportunity to discuss an urgent issue directly with Polly Trottenberg, commissioner of the NYC Department of Transportation. Although my issue has not yet been resolved, granted it has only been two days, I appreciate the fact that she graciously gave me all the time I needed to explain the situation. I am hopeful that she and her staff will be helpful.
I would like to rescind my favorable comment of January 31st. After hearing nothing regarding my issue, I followed up with the DOT yesterday and no one even knew that I had met with Commissioner Trottenberg. The DOT advertises that quarterly permits for the Jerome Gun Hill Municipal Garage are issued “… with special priority to the disabled.” IT ISN’T TRUE. I have been parking there for many quarters. I mailed my payment at 9am on the earliest allowable payment day at the Long Island City Post Office that services the DOT Permit Unit (they do not accept online payments for Jerome Gun Hill). As always, I included a copy of my disability hang tag and the letter from the DOT authorizing the hang tag. It was postmarked December 1st and received by the DOT the week before they deposited the payment checks, but they did not renew me for the upcoming quarter and are steadfastly refusing to honor, or even acknowledge the existence of, their own advertised disability priority claim.
I would like to rescind my favorable comment of January 31st. After hearing nothing regarding my issue, I followed up with the DOT yesterday and no one even knew that I had met with Commissioner Trottenberg. The DOT advertises that quarterly permits for the Jerome Gun Hill Municipal Garage are issued “… with special priority to the disabled.” It isn’t true. I mailed my payment at 9am on the designated renewal day at the Long Island City Post Office that services the DOT Permit Unit. I included a copy of my disabled hang tag and the letter from the DOT authorizing the hang tag. It was postmarked December 1st and received by the DOT the week before they deposited the payment checks, but they did not renew me and refuse to make good on the disability priority claim.