Photo courtesy of Manhattan University
Manhattan College announced on Aug. 21 that it has changed its name to Manhattan University. University officials said this was in order to better recognize its more than 100 majors, minors, graduate programs, and advanced certificates and degrees, and to attract a more globally diverse student body. The New York State Board of Regents approved the name change on Aug. 1.
University officials said the institution has a long history in New York City, having been founded in 1853 in Manhattan as a Lasallian Catholic College. They said then-Manhattan College relocated to The Bronx in 1923. Of the latest renaming, University President Milo Riverso, Ph.D., said, “As a 1981 graduate of the school and a proud Jasper, I’ve always thought of Manhattan College as something bigger, given the number of disciplines in the three schools we operate, the superb quality of our faculty, and the growing international reach of the student body.”
The Manhattan Jaspers are composed of 19 teams representing Manhattan University in intercollegiate athletics. the president added, “It’s a natural evolution in our long history in New York City, and a natural progression of our legacy that has stood for more than 170 years. It signifies our commitment to academic excellence and rigor, and showcases the myriad majors and minors that we offer our students in preparation for career-ready opportunities or further advanced academic study.”
Riverso continued, “We are dedicated to having a broad and diverse student population with an enhanced emphasis on increasing our international student populations. Additionally, as a Hispanic-serving institution, the university designation strengthens the distinction within these countries between college – often viewed as the equivalent of the U.S. high school – and the more appropriate university terminology.”
University officials said that in May 2022, the institution surveyed more than 3,000 students, faculty, staff, administrators, Board of Trustees, and alumni regarding a potential name change for the school, and a vast majority of responders said yes to the transition to “University.”
According to the New York State Higher Education Committee of the Board of Regents, there is “…increasing competition from institutions chartered in other states recruiting students in New York, nationally, and internationally, where the term “college” presents a significant challenge.”
Manhattan University is an independent, Catholic Lasallian institution located in the Fieldston section of The Bronx that embraces students of all faiths, cultures, and traditions. University officials said its mission is to provide a dynamic student-centered educational experience that prepares graduates for lives of personal development, professional success, civic engagement, and service to their fellow human beings.
Manhattan University offers programs that integrate a broad liberal arts education coupled with a concentration in specific disciplines in the arts and sciences with professional preparation in business and engineering, ensuring graduates will excel in their chosen fields. The University consists of the Kakos School of Arts & Sciences, the O’Malley School of Business, and the School of Engineering. For further information, please visit www.manhattan.edu.