
Local News & Links

Happy Wednesday, readers! The latest print issue of the Norwood News is hitting the streets today, and it’s chock full of good stuff: an update on the living wage debate,  a look at the end of Clinton’s football season, a farewell to Sal of Sal’s Pizza fame (he’s retiring this week) and more. Pick up a copy today, but until then, here are some other noteworthy news stories to keep you in-the-know.

The latest twist in Bronx Councilman Larry Seabrook’s corruption trial: his former mistress, and the prosecution’s star witness, says she has early onset dementia. This is after she testified that she couldn’t remember if she gave the councilman a cut of the money she received running the three nonprofits he put her in charge of. Seabrook is accused of funneling public funds to groups where he employed his family and friends.

Speaking of local elected officials on trial: a judge ruled this week that former State Sen. Pedro Espada’s Soundview Healthcare clinics can stay open–for now–in the hopes that a deal can be struck with the state’s Medicaid Inspector, which cut the health network off in September.

The future of University Heights church Bronx Household of Faith could be in the hands of the Supreme Court soon, which will decide this week if it will hear a case over whether or not to allow worship services should to be held in public school space. For some background, see our previous story here.

Jenny-from-the-block Lopez, who’s been known to brag about her Boogie Down roots but hasn’t been spotted much here since she hit it big, is getting some serious flack for a TV commercial she shot recently. In the ad, for Fiat, she’s shown–presumably–cruising through the streets of her hometown, though reports surfaced afterwards that a body double was used to shoot the Bronx scenes, while J.Lo never stepped foot in the borough. Bronx-based graffitti aritsts Tats Cru threatened Chrysler with a lawsuit for using one of their murals in the ad without permission. You can watch the commercial below:


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