Earlier today, on the corner of Futlon Avenue and E. 167th Street, Richie Powers held up a replica of the street sign dedicated in his late wife Megan Charlop’s honor. Charlop, a tireless community organizer, health educator and activist who lived in Norwood and dedicated her career to making the Bronx a better place, was killed in a bike accident two years ago. We’ll have more coverage of Charlop’s life and this powerful dedication ceremony in next week’s Norwood News print edition, but I wanted to share two quote from one of Charlop’s longtime friends and co-workers, Margaret Rogers. When asked about Charlop, she said, “We were like moths around the light and Megan was the light.” And when asked what a street named after her should mean to people, she said she hoped it would inspire people “to live life Meg Charlop’s way.”