The Norwood News, the Bronx community newspaper bringing you plenty of community news you can use, is out with its seventh edition of 2016!
This week we once again go back to Kingsbridge Heights and a faceoff brewing between city officials and developers of the Kingsbridge National Ice Center. Apparently, the city is not satisfied with an explanation from KNIC saying it has money committed for the project. The New York City Economic Development Corporation is asking, “Show us the money!” Ice developers now have 30 more days to present funds.
We also bring you stories on the impact the New York City Council’s recent passage of new zoning amendments will have on Norwood. Hear why the neighborhood’s local Council rep is against a portion of the amendments.
We also bring you traffic jams on Kingsbridge Road, a community center’s fight to keep its funding, and a colorful photo spread of the Spring Egg Hunt at Williamsbridge Oval Park.
As usual, we have the Norwood News’ familiar staples–Neighborhood Notes, Inquiring Photographer and Out & About. Definitely worth reading.
So take a look at the latest edition of the Norwood News, and if you’re interested in advertising, email Vivian Carter at [email protected].
Until next time!
David Cruz
Editor-in-Chief, Norwood News