The latest edition of the Norwood News is out with plenty of community news you can use. We begin with some unexpected news: the resignation of Community Board 7’s District Manager. Read how Community Board members reacted to his resignation.
Before we begin with the inside-the-cover stories, we want to remind parents that the Norwood News is accepting applications for a FREE, that’s right, FREE afterschool journalism program called Bronx Youth Heard. It’s a cool writing workshop that lasts through December, and it teaches the fundamental of journalism to Bronx high school students. Check out the link here:
Now back to our regular coverage: We swing into the pages of the award-winning community newspaper with stories of Participatory Budgeting redux, courtesy of Norwood Councilman Andrew Cohen. His office is once again jump-starting the six month civic endeavor which asks you how you would spend $1 million in city money (check out the nifty step-by-step guide on PB by Jasmine Gomez). Next, Adedamola Agboola chronicles rehab work at St. James Park.
We also have some slice-of-life pieces on the dangers of K2, efforts to restore a 50-plus-year-old church organ and your regular staples: Out & About and Inquiring Photographer.
So check out the pages of the Norwood News or grab a copy at any of 300 locations throughout the northwest Bronx. Share them with your friends, and be sure to share thoughts with me at [email protected]. Til next time!