Photo by Síle Moloney
Police said a 29-year-old man was arrested following a stabbing at 3300 Bailey Avenue in Kingsbridge Heights. Based on the accounts of residents of the building, the incident appears to have been domestic in nature. Police said the stabbing occurred on Saturday, July 23, at around 10.30 p.m., and that Gilbert Abraham Lopez, 29, of 3044 Bailey Avenue (an address about two blocks away from the location of the assault) was arrested and charged with alleged assault, menacing, criminal possession of a weapon, and harassment.
Norwood News spoke with two residents, one female and one male, on condition of anonymity on the night in question, shortly after the incident occurred. They said they had been outside the building on the street when it unfolded.
“She lives on the third floor,” the female resident said in Spanish, in reference to one of three apparent female victims. “We know each other. I don’t know in what exact part [she had been stabbed] but she was bleeding from the hand. He cut her there and her leg too.” The resident said the victim who had been stabbed had earlier put her head out the window and had shouted down to other residents, “Call 911. He stabbed me.”
The same female resident said she therefore called 911 and explained what was happening. She added that the victim’s boyfriend later emerged downstairs acting what she described as “normal.” She said he said to them, “Someone is fighting upstairs.” She continued, saying three females, the victim who had been stabbed, her female friend who was pregnant, and a young girl (a minor) who she said was the victim’s daughter, later came running downstairs after the aggressor. She said the victim who had been stabbed told the group it was her “boyfriend,” her daughter’s dad, who had cut her / stabbed her.
One of the male residents, also speaking in Spanish, corroborated the sequence of events, saying the victim’s “husband” (the alleged assailant) had exited the building after the incident, looking “calm,” and when he saw the group of residents, he said, “They’re fighting upstairs.” The male resident we spoke to added that when one of the group then accused the victim’s husband of being the aggressor, he denied it, saying, “No, I’m going for a walk.”
The male resident then said that when the young woman who was stabbed came downstairs and was asked, “Was it him?” referencing the victim’s boyfriend, she said, “Yes.” He said they then followed the victim’s boyfriend for about four blocks down the street and then the police arrived and they were able to apprehend him.

Photo by Síle Moloney
The same male resident added that there had been a tussle following the pursuit during which he, himself, got punched [we understand by the victim’s boyfriend.] The male resident went on to say that the three victims reported to the police what had happened and that all three were taken away in an ambulance. Asked if the victim was gravely injured, the residents said, “She was cut but not seriously. She was ok.”
The male resident added that the one of the two older female victims had reported that the young child had allegedly been dragged and shoved against a wall by the victim’s boyfriend and that he also allegedly attempted to stab the pregnant woman. The female resident confirmed the name of the female victim who had been stabbed (which we are not disclosing), and said the name of the assailant was Abraham Lopez.
Asked if there was anything else they felt was important to recount, the female resident added that justice was needed for all three victims, because according to what the victims told them, all three had been assaulted (in one form or another).
Asked if it was the first time such an incident had occurred between the couple, the residents said it was to their knowledge, but that they understood the couple were new to the building and had only been living there for about three months. [As above, police said the alleged assailant gave an address of two blocks down the street].
Norwood News recently reported on a fatal apparent domestic violence incident (also a stabbing) at Tracey Towers on July 14, in which 52-year-old resident, Monica Akua, tragically died.
Did you know…1 in 3 women, 1 in 4 men and 1 in 2 transgender or gender non-conforming individuals have experienced DV by an intimate partner in their lifetime.
If this describes you or someone you know, the NYPD is here to help
NYC Domestic Violence Hotline
1 (800) 621-HOPE pic.twitter.com/KbO8okERXh— NYPD Dom. Violence (@NYPDDV) July 29, 2022
From July 1, 2020, to Dec. 31, 2021, The Bronx recorded the highest percentage (7 percent) of chronic domestic violence complaints (797) relative to its population, of all City boroughs. Norwood News previously reported on tips of how best to protect against stalkers.
The Bronx District Attorney’s office urges anyone suffering at the hands of an abuser to immediately contact the Bronx D.A.’s crime victim assistance unit at (718) 590-2115. The Bronx Family Justice Center can be reached on (718) 508 1220. For more help & resources, visit https://on.nyc.gov/2BqhBe8. or call 1-800-621-4673 (HOPE).
The NYPD also offers help and support in relation to domestic violence, and guidance on how to protect against stalkers. If you are in immediate danger, if you can, call 911.
A person arrested and charged with a crime is deemed innocent unless and until convicted in a court of law.