Photo courtesy of Rev. Oswald Denis
This week, we asked readers what is the main factor that will decide their choice of candidate for New York City mayor – crime, civil rights, housing, other?
“Crime is up in every aspect, as I’m sure you’ve seen all the shootings that have taken place, and I just think Eric Adams is the right man to address the violence, the crime in the subways and also the hate crimes that are taking place.”
Rev. Oswald Denis,
Mott Haven

Photo courtesy of Alicia Felipe
“The issues that are most important to me in this election [are] specifically safety in the community, and the actual clean-up because now, it’s turning back to like it was in the ‘70s and ‘80s, when you had graffiti everywhere, and it’s unsafe riding on the trains and public transportation for people like us who can’t afford to have a car and are stuck riding public transportation. At the end of the day our safety is at risk on an everyday basis.”
Alicia Felipe,

Photo by David Greene
“Once upon a time, the neighborhood was good, when all the Irish were at the bars. Crime is taking over everything. We don’t have anything anymore. Get me out of here – all my friends are gone. I’m the last of the Mohicans. I don’t like what they are doing to our people. Get rid of these bums. Thank God my mother isn’t around, I swear to God.”
Phyllis Butler,

Photo by David Greene
“Crime is an important issue, equal opportunity for low-income yet affordable housing. Living around here, food is an issue as well. Cherry Valley is the only one in the area, and there should be more choices for supermarkets.”
Bernice Gladden,
Bedford Park

Photo by David Greene
“What bothers me is the drugs in the street. That could become a big problem. Why? Because you have different people selling drugs, different people and different gangs and it’s a problem. You don’t know if you go buy a pack of cigarettes… you can’t even do that because it’s dangerous. You don’t know where to walk at night. You don’t know what’s going to happen next.”
Mary Rosario,
Bedford Park