This week we asked readers their thoughts on Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.’s State of the Borough address and their thoughts on the borough’s state.
The speech was good, but life in the borough could be better because in this borough there still are numerous train stations that still aren’t wheelchair-accessible. There are some railroad stations that are wheelchair-accessible. He mentioned bringing the Metro-North New Haven Line to this borough. No. That should be a subway train line, not a railroad train line, because that means we will have to pay a premium fare. He also needs to advertise these events on his website. This [State of the Borough] event was e-mailed to me, but not advertised on his website.
William Stamford, Jr.
Van Cortlandt Village
It’s great that the Bronx is up, man. I’ve been a Bronx native most of my life. Still here and I’m glad the Bronx is moving up. That’s the most important thing; that we’re getting things done. I know my neighborhood is great. Things that he said, there’s so much going on and we need more. Even though I’m in a safe neighborhood, I still would like to seem more police on my block. There should be more of a presence at the train station and even though it’s a low-crime area, they’re still not there.
Eugene Goldstein
Pelham Bay
I found it so inspiring as a lifelong resident of the Bronx, I found the borough president’s speech to be very enlightening, empowering and it just wants you to do more to give back to our community. Education is important and learning about the H.E.R.O. school and how the young people can spend six years to work on their associate’s degree, I thought that was interesting. Also housing is a big problem, especially with NYCHA, especially the conditions that our neighbors live in and improvements that are required.
Thalia Lindquist
I thought it was an excellent speech. Our borough president has improved the Bronx in so many ways. I’ve been here for many years and when I travel through the Bronx, I’m proud to be in the Boogie Down Bronx. He’s helping to improve NYCHA, he’s working with the seniors and our children improving their education. He believes in education and that’s the best part I love about him, because he knows that we must make it possible for the youth to know that it’s possible that they can become something.
Barbara Gibson-Lagrant
He gave a great speech because he described what the Bronx has gone through and how it’s improving every day. Especially how business and housing is expanding. One thing he said that was true: we don’t need a jail here. We want to build more housing, have more businesses for people because it’s important. We can build an Amazon, even though I was against it. It’s better to have a business like that than a jail. The state of the Bronx is strong.
Pascual Gomez
Hunts Point